180MHz Murchison Commissioning Survey (MWACS)
The Murchison Widefield Array Commissioning Survey (MWACS) is a ~6100deg^2^ 104-196MHz radio sky survey performed with the Murchison Widefield Array during instrument... -
SPECFIND V2.0 Catalog of radio continuum spectra
This is the second release of the SPECFIND catalogue. For the radio cross-identification we included 3.76 million sources from 105 VizieR radio catalogues. The SPECFIND V2.0... -
SPECFIND Catalog of radio continuum spectra
SPECFIND is a new tool to extract cross-identifications and radio continuum spectra from radio catalogues contained in the VIZIER database of the CDS. It is designed to handle... -
Compendium of Radio Measurements of Bright Galaxies
This catalog contains all radio measurements of optically bright 'normal' galaxies available up until publication of this compendium in 1975. The compendium was originally... -
DRAO Penticton P-survey Database
This catalog contains 1692 radio sources observed with the Penticton synthesis telescope at 408 MHz and at 1420 MHz. The catalog is comprised of sources detected in the... -
An Optical Catalogue of Radio Galaxies
This catalog contains basic optical information on all known radio galaxies (with L[radio] greater than about 10**[41] ergs/s) that had been identified as of 1979 and for which... -
SPECFIND V3.0 Catalog of radio continuum spectra
Many radio continuum catalogs with different sensitivity limits and spatial resolutions are published via the VizieR database. Because of the diversity of spatial resolution,... -
Catalog of radio galaxies with z>0.3
This catalog groups the 2442 galaxies making up the sample of distant galaxies prepared by the authors published as 3 papers in 2009: radio data (paper I, table1), photometric... -
gamma-ray properties of FR-Is and BL Lacs
Our knowledge of Giga-electron volt (GeV) radio galaxies has been revolutionized by the Fermi-LAT Telescope, which provides an excellent opportunity to study the physical... -
VSOP 5 GHz AGN Survey
The VSOP mission is a Japanese-led project to image radio sources with sub-milliarcsec resolution by correlating the signal from the orbiting 8-m telescope, HALCA, with a global... -
The FAST all sky H I survey (FASHI)
The FAST All Sky HI survey (FASHI) was designed to cover the entire sky observable by the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST), spanning approximately... -
Optical spectroscopic atlas of MOJAVE AGNs
We present an optical spectroscopic atlas for 123 core-dominated radio-loud active galactic nuclei with relativistic jets, drawn from the MOJAVE/2cm (Monitoring of Jets in AGN... -
Catalog of FR-II radio galaxies
We present an independent catalog (FRIIRGcat) of 45241 Fanaroff-Riley Type II (FR-II) radio galaxies compiled from the Very Large Array Faint Images of the Radio Sky at... -
C- and S-shaped radio galaxies
We study the environment of radio galaxies with different morphological types using the Proctor sample, which was built from the Faint Images of the Radio Sky at... -
GLEAM 200MHz local radio luminosity function
The GaLactic and Extragalactic All-sky Murchison Widefield Array (GLEAM) is a radio continuum survey at 76-227MHz of the entire southern sky (Declination <+30{deg}) with an... -
ELAIS N1 source catalogue at 1250MHz
Understanding the spectral properties of sources is crucial for the characterization of the radio source population. In this work, we have extensively studied the ELAIS N1 field... -
Giant Radio Galaxies in RACS
We report the results of a visual inspection of images of the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey (RACS) in search of extended radio galaxies (ERG) that reach or exceed linear sizes on... -
RATAN-600 RC radio sources
We use the RATAN-600 radio telescope for picking up the most distant objects in the Universe. As a first step, about 100 steep spectrum FRII radio galaxies (SS FRII RG) from the... -
Radio properties of z>=1 galaxies
Study of high-redshift radio galaxies (HzRGs) can shed light on the active galactic nuclei (AGNs) evolution in massive elliptical galaxies. The vast majority of observed... -
164 GHz-peaked spectrum sources
Gigahertz-Peaked spectrum (GPS) sources are compact active galactic nuclei, presumably young precursors of bright radio sources. The study of GPS radio properties provides...