1,286 datasets found

Keywords: quasars

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  • SDSS quasar catalog: tenth data release

    We present the Data Release 10 Quasar (DR10Q) catalog from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III. The catalog includes all BOSS...
  • SDSS Quasar Catalog, DR9Q

    We present the Data Release 9 Quasar (DR9Q) catalog from the Baryon Oscillation Spectroscopic Survey (BOSS) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey III. The catalog includes all BOSS...
  • The SDSS-DR7 quasar catalog

    We present the fifth edition of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Quasar Catalog, which is based upon the SDSS Seventh Data Release. The catalog, which contains 105783...
  • Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (13th Ed.)

    This catalogue is a compilation of all known AGNs presented in a compact and convenient form. It is an update of the previous versions; and as in the previous editions no...
  • SDSS-DR5 quasar catalog

    The fourth edition of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Quasar Catalog, made from the SDSS Fifth Data Release, contains 77,429 objects; this is an increase of over 30,000...
  • Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (12th Ed.)

    This catalogue is an update of the previous versions; as in the previous editions no information about absorption lines of X-ray properties are given, but absolute magnitudes...
  • SDSS quasar catalog. III.

    The catalog consists of the 46,420 objects in the SDSS Third Data Release that have luminosities larger than M_i_=-22 (in a cosmology with Ho=70km/s/Mpc, {Omega}M=0.3 and...
  • The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey

    The final catalogue of the 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (2QZ) is based on Anglo-Australian Telescope 2dF spectroscopic observations of 44576 colour-selected (ub_J_r) objects with...
  • Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (11th Ed.)

    This catalogue is an update of the previous versions. The recent release of the final release of the 2dF quasar catalogue and of the first part of the SLOAN catalogue, almost...
  • Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (10th Ed.)

    This catalogue is an update of the previous versions. The recent publication of the first release of the 2dF quasar survey (Croom et al., 2001MNRAS.322L..29C, see Cat. )...
  • The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey. V. The 10k catalogue

    The 2dF QSO Redshift Survey (2QZ) 10k catalogue is the first release of the 2QZ, containing over 10000 QSOs. There are a total of 20590 sources listed, for which spectra have...
  • Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (9th Ed.)

    This catalogue is an update of the previous versions. It contains 13214 (+1856) quasars (defined as brighter than absolute B magnitude -23), 4428 (+1094) AGNs (defined as...
  • Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (8th Ed.)

    This catalogue is an update of the previous versions. It contains 11358 (+2759) quasars (defined as brighter than absolute B magnitude -23), 3334 (+501) AGNs (defined as fainter...
  • Las Campanas Redshift Survey

    The Las Campanas Redshift Survey (LCRS) consists of 26,418 redshifts of galaxies selected from a CCD-based catalog obtained in the R band. The survey covers over 700deg^2 in six...
  • Quasars and Active Galactic Nuclei (7th Ed.)

    This catalogue is an update of the the previous versions. It contains 8609 (+172) quasars (defined as brighter than absolute B magnitude -23), 2833 (+978) AGNs (defined as...
  • High-Redshift Quasars (z>=2.2) in SGP and F401

    (Paper I) We provide details of a multicolor ( u, b_j_, v, or, r, i), wide-field, faint magnitude survey for high-redshift (z >= 2.2 ) quasars. The survey extends over the...
  • X-ray of active galaxies and nuclei

    (no description available) Cone search capability for table VII/181/table2 (Catalog for PG Quasars) Cone search capability for table VII/181/table3 (Catalog for Seyfert 1 and...
  • Michigan Emission-Line Objects

    The objects of this catalogue were detected by using the 61-cm aperture Curtis Schmidt telescope in combination with a thin objective prism (1.8{deg}) at the Cerro Tololo...
  • Revised and Updated Catalog of Quasi-stellar Objects

    This is a catalog of all known quasi-stellar objects (QSO's) with measured emission redshifts and BL Lac objects, complete to 1992 December 31. The catalog contains 7312...
  • Positions of high-redshift luminous quasars

    We present finding charts and J2000 positions accurate to ~1" for the 528 high-redshift (z>1), luminous (M_v_<-25.5) quasars investigated in the Hubble Space Telescope...
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