Politics and Power Games 2006-2007
Valtakunnallisen Politiikkaa ja valtapeliä -keruun tarkoituksena oli selvittää, miten suomalaiset ovat kokeneet poliittisen ja yhteiskunnallisen elämän eri aikoina ja eri... -
Historical Consciousness in Finland 2009: Survey
Tutkimuksessa kartoitettiin menneisyyskäsityksiä, tietoja historian kulusta, historiatietoisuutta, näkemyksiä menneisyydestä ja historiallista identiteettiä. Lisäksi kysymykset... -
Interviews of Active Members of the Association for Cultural Workers in Finla...
Aineisto koostuu vuonna 1972 perustetun ja sittemmin toimintansa lopettaneen Kulttuurityöntekijäin liiton (KTL) aktiivien haastatteluista. Haastattelut on alunperin kerätty... -
Prosopography of the medieval administrative elite of The Hague
The relationship of the administrative elite and the 'Landsheerlijke'[sovereign] elite of civil servants. Social mobility, mutation rhythm, concentration of power within the... -
Politiek-bestuurlijke elites in Nederland, 1850 - heden
Research topics: origin and education of administrative elites; their dual functions. De oorspronkelijke bestanden worden bijgewerkt, de nieuwe versie wordt eind 2019... -
The recruitment of European volunteers for the Dutch colonial army
The recruitment of European volunteers for the Dutch colonial army. Sample taken from the registers (stamboeken) of the Dutch Colonial army. -
Political agreements of the government with Indonesian monarchs (self governm...
Formation of the state Indonesia, imperialism Units of observation: contracts. Dit onderzoek is in 1995 door dhr. J.N.F.M. A Campo geregistreerd bij het Nederlands Historisch... -
The writings of the Russian anarchist Michail Aleksandrovic Bakunin
This dataset contains the writings of the Russian anarchist Michail Aleksandrovic Bakunin. It includes images and transcriptions of more than 1200 letters and more than 350... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968_2
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968_3
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968_4
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968_5
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svensk valkorruption i historisk-komparativt perspektiv - Variabeldata
This is a study of historical election related legal cases in Sweden. Documentation is only available in Swedish. Purpose: The aim of this research project is to describe and... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968_2
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968_3
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968_4
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968_5
The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political... -
Svensk valkorruption i historisk-komparativt perspektiv - Variabeldata
This is a study of historical election related legal cases in Sweden. Documentation is only available in Swedish. Purpose: The aim of this research project is to describe and...