1,655 datasets found

Keywords: open star clusters

Filter Results
  • Low-Mass Stars' Membership in Alpha Persei Cluster

    This catalog contains the tabulated results of a combined astrometric, photometric, and spectroscopic search for low-mass members in the intermediate-age open cluster Alpha...
  • Photometry and Proper Motions in M67

    Relative proper motions were determined for 1068 stars with limiting magnitude b=16.5 and located within an area 130'*130' centered at alpha=8h 47.7m,delta=+12 deg.00' and...
  • Proper Motions, UBV Photometry, Four Open Clusters

    Proper motions were determined for 2169 stars with limiting magnitude B = 16.5 mag and located within a 60x60' area centered at RA = 23h54.2min, Dec = 60deg57arcmin (1950.0)....
  • Proper Motions and UBV Photometry in h+{chi} Per

    Proper motions with an 80 year baseline have been determined relative to reference stars with B=13.9mag. determined for 3086 stars brighter than B=15.5mag. within an area of 50'...
  • Extended Hipparcos Compilation (XHIP)

    The Extended Hipparcos Compilation (XHIP) cross-references the New Hipparcos Reduction (HIP2, Cat. I/311) with relatable data from a broad survey of presently available sources....
  • Proper motions and photometry in NGC 2323

    The results of a comprehensive study of the Galactic open cluster NGC 2323 are presented. The positions of stars to a limiting magnitude B<=16.7mag in a 42.5x42.5arcmin area...
  • Astrophysical parameters for 593 open clusters

    Based on published data, we have compiled a catalogue of fundamental astrophysical parameters for 593 open clusters of the Galaxy. In particular, the catalogue provides the...
  • NGC 6866 proper motions and CCD photometry

    We present the results of our comprehensive study of the Galactic open star cluster NGC 6866. The positions of stars in the investigated region have been obtained with the...
  • Young open clusters kinematical parameters

    Kinematic data of 117 open clusters younger than 100 million years with proper motions reduced to the HIPPARCOS reference system are presented. Cone search capability for table...
  • YSOs detection with W filter

    We present the design and implementation of a medium-band near-IR filter tailored for detecting low-mass stars and brown dwarfs from the summit of Maunakea. The W-band filter is...
  • NGC 7789 radial velocities

    A total of 597 radial velocity observations for 112 stars in the ~1.6Gyr old open cluster NGC 7789 have been obtained since 1979 with the radial velocity spectrometer at the...
  • Photometry and radial velocities in NGC752

    Using all available proper-motion and radial-velocity data, including new radial-velocity observations obtained for this investigation, probable members of the open cluster NGC...
  • Multiwavelength study of NGC 281 complex

    We present a multiwavelength study of the NGC 281 complex, which contains the young cluster IC 1590 at the center, using deep wide-field optical UBVIc photometry, slitless...
  • RV curves of Galactic massive O stars

    The presence of a nearby companion alters the evolution of massive stars in binary systems, leading to phenomena such as stellar mergers, X-ray binaries and gamma-ray bursts....
  • NGC 1193 and NGC 1798 CCD UBV photometry

    We present photometric, astrometric, and kinematic studies of the old open star clusters NGC 1193 and NGC 1798. Both of the clusters are investigated by combining data sets from...
  • UBVRI and polarisation in Lynga 1

    We present CCD UBVRI (Cousins system) photometric observations complemented with spectroscopy and polarimetric observations that were carried out in the open cluster Lynga 1....
  • NGC 129 positions and proper motions

    Positions and magnitudes were derived for 537 stars in the area of the open cluster NGC 129. Combining these positions with data from the three other sources, proper motions...
  • 83 newly found Galactic disk open clusters

    As groups of coeval stars born from the same molecular cloud, an open cluster (OC) is an ideal laboratory for studying the structure and dynamical evolution of the Milky Way....
  • 74 new open clusters found in Gaia DR2

    Based on astrometric data from Gaia Data-Release 2 (DR2), we employ an un- supervised machine learning method to blindly search for open star clusters in the Milky Way within...
  • NGC 6819 3D members

    In order to obtain clean members of the open cluster NGC 6819, the proper motions and radial velocities of 1691 stars are used to construct a three-dimensional (3D) velocity...
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