Structures of phenol-ammonia and phenol-water compounds
Phenol-water and phenol-ammonia clusters are useful model systems for understanding the types of proton-transfer interactions that occur during photosynthesis in plants and... -
Crystal Structures of Multiferroic MnWO4: HRPD
Multiferroic materials are rare and exceptional: they are ferroelectric and ferromagnetic in the same phase and these two properties can couple. Recently, materials with complex... -
Quantum Coherence in Nano-Cofined Water
Earlier work on Vesuvio has shown that the ground state of nano confined water is qualitatively different from that of bulk water, with protons delocalized over distances of... -
Possible high-temperature polar phases in the [110] layered perovskites NdBaI...
Geometric ferroelectrics are an unusual and rare class of materials which exhibit spontaneous electrical polarisation due purely to 'geometric' effects, i.e. caused by atomic... -
High-Resolution High-Pressure Study of the Elpasolite Perovskite La2NiMnO6
This proposal sets out to investigate the high pressure behaviour of the double perovskitematerial with the chemical formula La2NiMnO6. The properties of this and related... -
Understanding Chemical Expansion in Perovskite Oxides: Impact of Long-Range D...
"Chemical expansion" occurs when some ceramics expand upon releasing oxygen. Their ability to effectively "breathe" oxygen makes them of use in sustainable energy... -
The effect of redox on the substitution mechanism of Ti in meteoritic hibonite
We request 3 days of beam-time on HRPD to identify the substitution mechanism of Ti3+ and Ti4+ in synthetic hibonites [CaAl12O19]. The experiment forms part of a larger... -
Completing the Magnetic Ordering-Crystal Structure Phase Diagram of Supercond...
The key objective is to measure three samples of composition Fe(1.05)Te, Fe(1.12)Te, and Fe(1.14)Te as a function of temperature (base to 80 K) through their magnetic ordering... -
Investigating the role of oxygen in the mechanism for the transformation from...
Materials for Solid Oxide Fuel Cells (SOFCs) are being developed continuously. Cuprous delafossites (CuBO2 where B=Cu, Cr) are being developed for cathode side applications in... -
Resolving the structure of Pr4Ni3O10, a promising solid oxide fuel cell cathode
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Order-disorder transitions in ternary unfilled skutterudites
The aim of this proposal is to study the thermal evolution of the structure of two ternary ordered skutterudites, CoGe1.5Q1.5 (Q = S, Te). At room temperature, ordering of the... -
Low temperature crystallography on two new compounds with mobile cations
Structure solution of materials with very high ionic mobilities, and/or small populations of moderately mobile ions is hampered because the scattering from these ions is... -
New materials for use in proton conducting ceramic solid oxide fuel cells
Oxides that exhibit significant proton conductivity at elevated temperatures are candidates for different electrochemical applications, such as hydrogen sensors, membranes for... -
Electronically-driven structural transition in Ti-doped Ca3Ru2O7
The purpose of the experiment is to determine the effect of titanium doping on the structural and magnetic transitions of Ca3Ru2O7. The pure material undergoes a Néel transition... -
Structural studies of the cycling and decomposition of Mg(NH3)6(BH4)2
Given its high hydrogen gravimetric density, ammonia may be utilised as a hydrogen carrier, and thus ammonia stores are an area of interest. It is known that Mg(BH4)2 takes up... -
Cation-exchanged layered perovskite oxides
Ferroelectric materials (those which exhibit spontaneous and switchable electrical polarizations) have a wide range of applications. However preparing new ferroelectric... -
Structural Aspects and Magnetic Order in Fe based perovskite oxide fluorides ...
In this work, we will investigate the structures (crystallographic and magnetic) of Mn5VO8 and a range of Fe containing perovskite oxide fluorides. In terms of the former, this... -
The structure of VCl3
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Structural phase transitions in ferroelectric layered perovskite oxides
Recent theoretical work has identified that oxygen octahedral rotations (OORs) in layered perovskites such as RuddlesdenPopper (RP) phases A2[An-1BnO3n+1] can generate... -
High-Temperature Crystal Structure of Aluminium-Substituted La(Sr)Ga(Mg)O3-d ...
Due to a high-oxide ion conductivity, strontium and magnesium co-substituted lanthanum gallate (LSGM) is considered as a potential electrolyte material for solid oxide fuel...