Nebulae in the Magellanic Clouds
Long exposures of the complexes of ionized hydrogen in both the LMC and SMC have been taken with the 48-in. SRC Schmidt camera through an H{alpha}+[N II] interference filter to... -
The Cluster System of the LMC
A new catalogue of clusters in the Large Magellanic Cloud has been constructed from searches of the IIIa-J component of the ESO/SERC Southern Sky Atlas. The catalogue contains... -
Catalogue of LMC stars
This catalogue is a compilation of the original data related to stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC); it concerns essentially the stars brighter than m_pg_=13.5. The list... -
Probable Members of the SMC
An objective prism survey was conducted to discover probable members of the Small Magellanic Cloud. Interference filters were used to restrict the wavelength range and, hence,... -
The open cluster NGC 346
We present CCD photometry and spectrographic observations for stars in the open cluster NGC 346, which excites the largest H II region in the Small Magellanic Cloud. These... -
BVR CCD photometry on NGC 1777
We present photographic (B and V) and CCD (B, V, and R) photometry of stars in the remote LMC cluster NGC 1777, and integrated UBV photometry of the inner part of the cluster. A... -
C,T1 photometry of 6 LMC clusters
As part of an ongoing project to investigate the cluster formation and chemical evolution history in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC), we have used the CTIO 0.9m telescope to... -
SAGE-Spec Spitzer legacy program
The SAGE-Spec Spitzer Legacy program is a spectroscopic follow-up to the SAGE-LMC photometric survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud carried out with the Spitzer Space Telescope.... -
FUSE observations in Magellanic Clouds
We present an atlas of stellar sight line data from the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer (FUSE) satellite for 287 stars in the Magellanic Clouds, obtained from eight years... -
V(RI)C Phot of Cepheids in the Magellanic Clouds
We present V(RI)C data for 13 Cepheids in the Large Magellanic Cloud and eight in the Small Magellanic Cloud. The total number of new measures is 55 in each wavelength band. The... -
AKARI SMC photometry
We carried out near- to mid-infrared imaging and spectroscopic observations of patchy areas in the Small Magellanic Cloud using the Infrared Camera aboard AKARI. Two... -
ASCA sources in the SMC
We made 22 observations on the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC) and covered full regions of the main body and the eastern wing by the end of the ASCA mission. We detected 106... -
CO catalog of LMC molecular clouds
From a ^12^CO (J=1-0) survey with the NANTEN telescope, we present a complete catalog of giant molecular clouds (GMCs) in the Large Magellanic Cloud. In total, 107 CO clouds... -
6cm and 3cm sources in SMC
We present two new catalogues of radio-continuum sources in the field of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). These catalogues contain sources found at 4800MHz ({lambda}=6cm) and... -
SMC observations at 13, 20 and 36cm
We present a new catalogue of radio-continuum sources in the field of the Small Magellanic Cloud (SMC). This catalogue contains sources previously not found in 2370MHz... -
Strongest radio point sources in LMC field
We present the 100 strongest 1.4GHz point sources from a new mosaic image in the direction of the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). The observations making up the mosaic were made... -
Massive stars in 30 Dor
The 30 Doradus star-forming region in the Large Magellanic Cloud is a nearby analog of large star-formation events in the distant universe. We determined the recent formation... -
Magellanic Clouds bridge region HI profiles
Two hundred and seventeen HI profiles at positions approximately 1degree apart in the bridge region between the Small and Large Magellanic Clouds have been observed with a 15'... -
Be stars in MC star clusters NIR properties
Magellanic Clouds are the nearby galaxies which are ideal to study the properties of metal poor stellar population. In this study, we explore the near-IR properties of optically... -
DECam LMC new variable sources
The Dark Energy Camera (DECam) is a sensitive, wide field instrument mounted at the prime focus of the 4m V. Blanco Telescope in Chile. Beside its main objectives, i.e....