Morphology of galaxies in Coma cluster direction
This paper presents morphological type, membership and U-V colour for a sample of galaxies in the Coma cluster direction, complete down to M_B_=-15.00mag and extending down to... -
Catalogue of dust clouds in the Galaxy
The file cdn.dat is an unified dust cloud catalogue of the Galaxy. Considering an initial list of approximately 6500 entries we condensed them into a cross-identified all-sky... -
Small-scale structures in HI hole of M33
Recent high-resolution HI observations of M33 reveal a large number of regions that are devoid of emission. We interpret these regions as holes formed by interstellar winds; a... -
VIRMOS deep imaging survey. VVDS-F02 catalog
The Franco-Italian VIRMOS project has delivered the VIMOS spectrograph for the European Southern Observatory Very Large Telescope (ESO-VLT). VIMOS is a VIsible imaging... -
The Guide Star Catalog, Version 2.3.2 (GSC2.3)
The GSC II is an all-sky catalog based on 1" resolution scans of the photographic Sky Survey plates, at two epochs and three bandpasses, from the Palomar and UK Schmidt... -
The Guide Star Catalog, Version 2.2 (GSC2.2)
The GSC II is an all-sky catalog based on 1" resolution scans of the photographic Sky Survey plates, at two epochs and three bandpasses, from the Palomar and UK Schmidt...