Sociale factoren bij pensionering 1973-1976
Assessing factors that influence the attitude towards retirement and the influence of retirement on retired men. Wave 1: attitude towards, perception of retirement, loss of... -
Kontinu-onderzoek ( wave 29, januari 1985 )
Continuous items for most waves watching tv / reading papers / taking part in discussions on political issues / political knowledge / political participation / party preference... -
Mantelzorg 2001 : Informele hulpverlening
Survey of the important aspects of informal helping and voluntairy aid ( "mantelzorg" ) in relatively serious situations of need for help. Characteristics of the person or... -
Woningmarktonderzoek Gooiland 1971
Details on type of house present versus ideal / immigration and emigration motivation / place of work / satisfaction with housing condition / detailed list of present... -
Maatschappelijke positie van Chinezen in Nederland 1997
Survey concerning the position of Chinese immigrants in the Dutch society Migration history of respondent / living conditions / educational participation, in country of origin... -
CERRA Seniorenpanel, 1e golf 1993
First wave of panel study on the economic aspects of aging. Both heads of household and partner have been questioned. Adjusted questionnaires for: (P1257A) persons in employment... -
Bejaardenvoorzieningen in Zeeland 1983
Living conditions of the elderly and their ( future ) need for housing facilities and social / medical assistance. Social contacts and outdoor activities / physical and mental... -
Stadspanel Delft 1997/1998 - VSO
Opinion of the inhabitants of Delft about various aspects of living in the city and local services. Safety of traffic in Delft / use of local and national newspaper, radio /... -
Vrijwillige vervroegde uittreding in de metaalindustrie 1978
Giving information for government policy on the subject of voluntarily accelerated retirement. Sector of economy: metal industry / voluntarily accelerated retirement personal... -
Bevordering doorstroming van oudere bewoners uit onderbezette woningen 1980
Looking for possibilities to promote house-moving of older people, who live in too big houses, to smaller houses. P0601a: description of houses / mortgages / owners /... -
Leefsituatie van de Nederlandse bevolking van 55 jaar en ouder, 1976 - LSO'76
Description of the physical and non-physical living conditions of the Dutch population aged 55 years and older. Living conditions a detailed description of r's residence,... -
Leefsituatie van de Nederlandse bevolking van 55 jaar en ouder, 1982, zelfsta...
Description of the physical and non-physical living conditions of the Dutch population aged 55 years and older. Detailed description of r's residence / satisfaction and wishes... -
Terugdringing niet-gebruik Bijzondere Bijstand chronisch zieken, gehandicapte...
Survey among municipalities in the Netherlands in order to obtain information about driving back non-use of special income support (Bijzondere Bijstand) for chronic patients,... -
CERRA II Seniorenpanel 1993/1995
Panel study on the economic aspects of aging. First wave: both heads of household and partner have been questioned. Adjusted questionnaires for persons in employment, self... -
Oudere werknemers 1980-1981 : Beleving van werk en verzuim
Disability of older industrial workers/ influence of individual characteristics, e.g. experienced physical weight of work, experience of work and personal well-being, on... -
Ouderenhuisvesting in de gemeente Opmeer 1995 - VSO
Housing needs of inhabitants of Opmeer of 55 years and older. Health of respondent / whether residence is adapted to health of respondent / present housing situation / use of... -
Psychosociale hulpverlening aan demente ouderen 1987
Effectiveness of a psychomotor group therapy for patients with Alzheimer Syndrome Cognitive and social performance, coping with invalidity, the missing home emotions, self... -
Ouderen in instellingen 1996 - OII 1996
This study aims at picturing the life situation and the use of social and cultural facilities of elderly living in institutions in the Netherlands. Separate measuring... -
Omnibus-enquete Gemeente Almelo 1991 - VSO
Survey among the inhabitants of Almelo. Mobility / educational matters / volunteer work / accidents of children younger than 15 years / sporting activities / membership sports... -
Gezondheid van mensen in de derde levensfase 1986 : Een onderzoek naar licha...
Epidemiological investigation into the health of people between 65 and 75 years in the Dutch municipality of Eindhoven in support of the municipal policy towards the elderly....