Age, 232Th, 230Th, 238U, CaCO3, organic carbon, lithogenic fraction, opal, an...
Increased export production (EP) in the Subantarctic Zone (SAZ) of the Southern Ocean due to iron fertilisation has been proposed as a key mechanism for explaining carbon... -
Activity of isotopes of U, Th and Pa versus depth in bottom sediments from Co...
A sediment core from the European Basin with alternation of biogenic calcareous oozes and terrigenous sediments is studied by several methods. Isotopic age is determined by... -
Beryllium analysis and mineral composition of sediment core PS2213-6
Samples between depths of 5 and 35 cm are box core samples (PS2213-2) -
Beryllium analysis and mineral composition of sediment core PS2208-2
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Protactinium, thorium and uranium activities and ratios in sediment cores MD0...
A Pa/Th value of 0.058 ± 0.014 was measured by Burckel et al. (2015) at 360 cm, that we discarded as an outlier with respect to the replicate measured at 360 cm and surrounding... -
Beryllium (Be10, Be9) isotopes of sediment core MD95-2042
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Beryllium (Be10, Be9) isotopes of sediment core MD95-2040
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Maximum 137Caesium activity content data of subsurface sediments from the Gul...
This dataset includes maximum contents of 137Caesium in subsurface sediments determined for 1-cm sediment slices of 55 short gravity-cores from the Gulf of Bothnia, northern... -
137Caesium activity content data of seabed surface sediments from the Gulf of...
This dataset includes contents of 137Caesium in surface sediments determined for 1-cm sediment slices of 54 short gravity-cores from the Gulf of Bothnia, northern Baltic Sea.... -
U and Th of sediment core EW9303-37JPC
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U and Th of sediment core DY081_GVY01
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Thorium excess of sediment core EW9303-37JPC
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Thorium excess of sediment core DY081_GVY01
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(Figure 1) Beryllium (Be10, Be9) isotopes of sediment core MD97-2140
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Uranium and Thorium isotope measurements of sediment core OC437-07_GC68
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Uranium and Thorium isotope measurements of sediment core OC437-07_GC66
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Uranium and Thorium isotope measurements of sediment core OC437-07_GC49
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Uranium and Thorium isotope measurements of sediment core OC437-07_GC37
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Uranium and Thorium isotope measurements of sediment core OC437-07_GC27
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(Table 2) Age calculation of late Cenozoic sediments of the western Arabian Sea
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