High pressure phase transitions in metal-formate perovskites
The family of guanidinium metal formates has the perovskite structure and, like many perovskites, is of interest for these materials' magnetic and electric properties, in... -
Crystal Structures of Multiferroic MnWO4: HRPD
Multiferroic materials are rare and exceptional: they are ferroelectric and ferromagnetic in the same phase and these two properties can couple. Recently, materials with complex... -
vibrational spectroscopy of a novel dipalladium(I) hydride displaying dynamic...
Our report of a novel cationic dipalladium(I) hydride in (Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2010, 49, 6315) shows a linear Pd-Pd-H core with H-ligand dynamics (solution NMR). Ab-initio MD... -
SANS Investigation on Packing Structure of Proteasome Activator 28
Proteasome plays an important role in the processing of antigenenic proteins for presentation by the MHC class I pathway. PA28 is an activator of the 20S proteasome, a large... -
Using small angle neutron diffraction to describe the status of water in solu...
Fish oocytes and embryos are complex cryobiological objects for which, successful cryopreservation has still not been achieved. This circumstance seriously restricts the... -
All-trans Retinal T=100K wtl=10 j:14,14
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This dataset has no description
YMnO3-x : Mn(I) in a mixed metal oxide ?
Topotactic reduction of YMnO3 with CaH2 yields three new reduced phases. Two of these phases appear to have compositions close to YMnO2.5 but with very different anion vacancy... -
Characterisation of the hydrides in Stryker¿s reagent
In recent years, soluble derivatives of CuH prepared by non-aqueous routes have become important as mild reducing agents, one such compound, Stryker¿s reagent [Ph3PCuI]6. The... -
Complex evolution of solution microstructure in LAS / nonionic surfactant mix...
This proposal is part of a broad programme of collaborative research between RAL / Oxford and Unilever, using predominantly scattering techniques to investigate the nature of... -
Structural studies on complex ACu3Ti4O12-type perovskites.
Abstract. We request one day of beamtime on POLARIS to collect Neutron Diffraction (ND) data from a variety of ACu3Ti4O12-type perovskite-related compounds that exhibit higher... -
Investigation of short range magnetic correlations in CeIr3Si2 using SR
CeIr3Si2 reveals highly anisotropic bulk properties with two magnetic transitions at TN1 ~ 3.9 K and TN2 ~ 3.1 K. The overall crystal electric field (CEF) splitting of the J=5/2... -
Superconductivity induced changes in the ferromangetic order of Y(1-x)PrxBa2C...
By polarized neutron reflectometry we want to investigate the magnetic field profile in Y(1-x)PrxBa2Cu3O7/La(2/3)Ca(1/3)MnO3 high-Tc superconductor/ferromagnet superlattices. In... -
Variable Temperature studies of an anomalous proton sponge benzoic acid co-cr...
As part of a long-running programme, we have identified many co-crystallisation systems producing hydrogen-bonded molecular complexes yielding fascinating X-ray diffraction and... -
Effect of method of preparation on the composition of complex monolayers
In the present proposal neutron reflectivity will be used in combination with contrast variation to detect changes in the presence (and size) of microdomains in monolayer films... -
Nucleid Acids in Solution
The aim of the experiment is investigate some nucleid acids to provide us with information about the size and shape when is dispersed in a solvent, so in a future studies to be... -
Magnetism in novel organic/inorganic hybrid spin-valve nanostructures.
We request 5 days (15 shifts) with CRISP to perform specular measurements on novel functionalized SrTiO3(substrate)/complex FM oxide/small molecules/ FM metal nanostructures to... -
The solution structure of the OmpF¿Colicin N complex in neutral detergent by ...
Gram negative bacteria cause a wide range of diseases including meningitis, bubonic plague, gonorrhoea, diarrhoea, Legionnaires' disease and cholera. Their outer membrane... -
Measuring strains in low-symmetry, crystal-chemically complex, hydrous minerals
We request 4 days of beam-time on ENGIN-X to measure the development of elastic strains in geologically important minerals as a function of uniaxial load. We wish to perform... -
SANS contrast measurements on important protein/DNA interactions from RCaH
This proposal is to perform SANS contrast measurements on three protein/DNA interactions currently worked on at the Research Complex at Harwell. This is part of an ongoing...