Absolute normalisation of spectra in DINS experiments:exploring the route to ...
The aim of this proposal is to investigate in the methodology of Deep Inelastic Neutron Scattering (DINS) data analysis, with especial emphasis in the absolute normalisation of... -
Simultaneous Raman and structural studies of the proton conductor CsHSO4.
Caesium hydrogen sulfate, CsHSO4 is a solid acid proton conductor, which operates in the temperature range from 100 to 200 °C. Hence, it has potential application in... -
Proton coherence in polymer fuel cell electrolytes
Recent studies of short side chain(SSC) polymers used in fuel cells have shown that they have higher conductivity and better structural properties than Nafion, the commercially... -
Understanding the spin-Peierls Transition in KTCNQ and derivatives
Motivated by work showing that magnetic coupling between TCNQ anions in potassium TCNQ (KTCNQ) can be changed simply by changing the aromatic substituents, we seek to qunatify... -
Study of Deep Eutectic Solvents dilutions: nanometer size domains and molecul...
Carbon materials with nanopore structures are of great importance for development of energy storage and gas adsorption devices. The critical parameter is pore size and it is... -
Magnetoelectric coupling in complex systems
Coupling ferromagnatism and ferroelectriocity in a single phase material at or near room temperature has significant potential for the development of hybrid memory combining the... -
Probing the Mechanisms and Control of Catalytic Activity of Perovskite SOFC A...
Electrode materials for devices such as solid oxide fuel cells must be catalytically active and good ionic and electronic conductors. In particular, recent work in our... -
Formulating polymer solutions to stabilise polymeric foams
Polyurethane foams (PUFs) are commonly prepared by mixing Pluronic type copolymers and isocyanate reactive monomers in the presence of additives e.g. catalysts, blowing agent... -
Mixed surfactants for positive synergism in dense CO2
This proposal aims to explore a cheaper and more environmental-benign surfactant system for yielding efficient water/CO2 microemulsions. The new surfactants permit high... -
The anisotropy of the spin fluctuations in the electron nematic phase of Sr3R...
New electronic phases often emerge in the proximity of a quantum critical point (QCP) - that is the point where the transition temperature of a collective phase transition is... -
empty can
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The PVT equation of state of D2O ice III / IX
The high-pressure form of solid water, ice III, is the equilibrium phase in contact with liquid water at pressures from about 2.0 - 3.5 kbar. Consequently, its properties are... -
PVT equation of state of D2O ice V
The high-pressure forms of solid water, ice V, is the equilibrium phase in contact with liquid water at pressures between 3.5 - 5.5 kbar. Consequently, the properties are... -
Pressure induced softening in ScF3
Recently we have suggested that negative thermal expansion materials will also show an effect called pressure-induced softening, where shown that the elastic stiffness is... -
The quest for the hydrogen-disordered counterpart of ice II
Water displays a highly complex phase diagram that is key to a range of critical processes, from the evolution of icy moons to that of the Earth's hydrosphere and even of life... -
Resolving the manifold setting structure of protiated vs D2O portland cements
Models of cement have been formulated to further understanding. The dominant being Jennings layered colloid model. Therein, idealised silicate layers are interspersed with... -
Studying magnetic properties of SrAuSi3
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Cancer is a growing health problem worldwide, and thus the development of effective chemotherapeutic approaches is crucial for improving human health. Much effort has been put... -
Neutron diffraction of amorphous calcium carbonate
Amorphous calcium carbonate (ACC) is regularly listed as one of the known calcium carbonate phases, first being identified in 1984. Although ACC is inherently unstable, it is a... -
A study of the interfacial width and its effects on fundamental solar cell ba...
The aim of our experiment is to understand the link between interfacial width and the photophysics at the interface to the operation of a polymer solar cell. We propose to...