482 datasets found

Keywords: astronomical object identification

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  • Infrared properties of carbon stars in our Galaxy

    We explore the characteristics of carbon stars within our Galaxy through a comprehensive analysis of observational data spanning visual and infrared (IR) bands. Leveraging data...
  • The UNCOVER phot. catalog of A2744 wiht HST+JWST

    In 2022 November, the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) returned deep near-infrared images of A2744-a powerful lensing cluster capable of magnifying distant, incipient galaxies...
  • Opt-IR counterparts of Chandra sources in CygOB2

    The young massive OB association Cygnus OB2, in the Cygnus X complex, is the closest (~1400pc) star-forming region to the Sun hosting thousands of young low-mass stars and up to...
  • Microlensing event rate in the GC. I. UKIRT obs.

    To overcome the high optical extinction, near-infrared (NIR) observations are needed for probing the microlensing events toward the Galactic center. The 2015-2019 UKIRT...
  • The Chandra X-ray Galaxy Catalog (CGC)

    We present the extensive and well-characterized Chandra X-ray Galaxy Catalog (CGC) of 8547 galaxy candidates in the redshift range z~0.04-0.07, optical luminosity...
  • Swift X-ray obs. of 31 SMS4 QSOs & radio gal.

    We present Neil Gehrels Swift Observatory (hereafter Swift) observations of 31 sources from the SMS4 catalog, a sample of 137 bright radio sources originally designed to extend...
  • BASS. XXII. The Swift/BAT AGN Sp. Survey DR2 cat.

    We present the active galactic nucleus (AGN) catalog and optical spectroscopy for the second data release of the Swift BAT AGN Spectroscopic Survey (BASS DR2). With this DR2...
  • The COSMOS2020 catalog

    The Cosmic Evolution Survey (COSMOS) has become a cornerstone of extragalactic astronomy. Since the last public catalog in 2015, a wealth of new imaging and spectroscopic data...
  • O-rich and C-rich AGB stars in our Galaxy

    We present a new catalog of 11209 O-rich asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars and 7172 C-rich AGB stars in our Galaxy, identifying more AGB stars in the bulge component and...
  • Revised GLADE & MANGROVE sample with HyperLEDA

    To develop galaxy-targeting approaches, the gravitational-wave community built a catalog of stellar mass in the local universe based on the Two Micron All Sky Survey (2MASS)...
  • Finding QSOs behind the Galactic Plane. I. The GPQ cat.

    Quasars behind the Galactic plane (GPQs) are important astrometric references and useful probes of Milky Way gas. However, the search for GPQs is difficult due to large...
  • Gal. midplane Spitzer/IRAC candidate YSOs (SPICY)

    We present ~120000 Spitzer/IRAC candidate young stellar objects (YSOs) based on surveys of the Galactic midplane between l~255{deg} and 110{deg}, including the GLIMPSE I, II,...
  • Identifying 3FHL. V. CTIO-COSMOS spectra

    As a follow-up to the optical spectroscopic campaign aimed at achieving completeness in the Third Catalog of Hard Fermi-LAT Sources (3FHL), we present here the results of a...
  • The Spitzer Kepler Survey (SpiKeS) catalog

    The ~200000 targets monitored for photometric variability during the Kepler prime mission include the best-studied group of stars in the sky, due both to the extensive time...
  • Multiwavelength survey of WR stars in LMC

    Surveys of Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars in the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC) have yielded a fairly complete catalog of 154 known stars. We have conducted a comprehensive,...
  • CDWFS: Chandra survey in Bootes. I. X-ray cat.

    We present a new, ambitious survey performed with the Chandra X-ray Observatory of the 9.3deg^2^ Bootes field of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey. The wide field probes a...
  • Radial velocity variable stars from LAMOST DR4

    Radial velocity (RV) variable stars are important in astrophysics. The Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fiber Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST) spectroscopic survey has provided ~6.5...
  • 4FGL sources with IR/Rad associations

    Associating {gamma}-ray sources to their low-energy counterparts is one of the major challenges of modern {gamma}-ray astronomy. In the context of the Fourth Fermi Large Area...
  • K2 star parameters from Gaia & LAMOST

    Previous measurements of stellar properties for K2 stars in the Ecliptic Plane Input Catalog (EPIC) largely relied on photometry and proper motion measurements, with some added...
  • K2 periodic variables in M35 & NGC2158

    We present a catalog of 1143 periodic variables, compiled from our image-subtracted photometric analysis of the K2 Campaign-0 super stamp. This super stamp is centered on the...
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