693 datasets found

Keywords: astronomical models

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  • Enhanced momentum feedback from clustered SN

    Young stars typically form in star clusters, so the supernovae (SNe) they produce are clustered in space and time. This clustering of SNe may alter the momentum per SN deposited...
  • Synthetic spectra of dark stars

    The first stars in the history of the Universe are likely to form in the dense central regions of {sim.to}10^5^-10^6^ M_{sun} cold dark matter halos at z{approx}10--50. The...
  • Very metal-poor Cepheid models

    Classical Cepheids are primary distance indicators playing a fundamental role in the calibration of the extragalactic distance scale. The possible dependence of their...
  • Circumstellar disk of {chi} Oph

    We present a numerical model describing a circularly symmetric gaseous disk around the Be star {chi} Ophiuchi. The model is constrained by long-baseline interferometric...
  • Stellar integrated galactic initial mass function

    We calculate the stellar integrated galactic initial mass function (IGIMF) in the presence of cluster-to-cluster variations of the IMF. Variations of the IMF for a population of...
  • Light-curve models of black hole

    In the new era of gravitational wave (GW) and multi-messenger astrophysics, the detection of a GW signal from the coalescence of a black hole - neutron star (BHNS) binary...
  • WISE model grids for O- and C-rich AGB

    Since asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are bright and extended infrared objects, most Galactic AGB stars saturate the Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer (WISE) detectors and...
  • UV background photoionization & photoheating rates

    The ultraviolet background (UVB) emitted by quasars and galaxies governs the ionization and thermal state of the intergalactic medium (IGM), regulates the formation of...
  • Lightcurve inversion for 491 asteroids

    We perform lightcurve inversion for 491 asteroids to retrieve phase curve parameters, rotation periods, pole longitudes and latitudes, and convex and triaxial ellipsoid shapes...
  • BH spin-orbit misalignment in Galactic XRBs

    In black hole (BH) X-ray binaries (XRBs), a misalignment between the spin axis of the BH and the orbital angular momentum can occur during the supernova explosion that forms the...
  • M-type AGB stars wind and dust models

    The stellar winds of asymptotic giant branch (AGB) stars are commonly attributed to radiation pressure on dust grains, formed in the wake of shock waves that arise in the...
  • X-ray bursting neutron star atmosphere models

    X-ray bursting neutron stars in low mass X-ray binaries constitute an appropriate source class to constrain masses and radii of neutron stars, but a sufficiently extended set of...
  • Role of galactic dynamics in shaping GMCs

    We examine the role of the large-scale galactic-dynamical environment in setting the properties of giant molecular clouds in Milky Way-like galaxies. We perform three...
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