Seawater carbonate chemistry and food chain transfer of Polonium between prim...
Phytoplankton and zooplankton are key marine components that play an important role in metal distribution through a food web transfer. An increased phytoplankton concentration... -
Radioactive dose rates and fallout radionuclide activities in sediment deposi...
This dataset compiles all the radioactive dose rates measurements and the anthropogenic fallout radionuclides analysed in recent sediment deposits collected in the coastal... -
Chronology of sediment core Sv09
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Chronology of sediment core St09
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Chronology of sediment core Oh09
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Geochemistry of Topsoil
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Radio nuclides of sediment core PLUTUR6_BOXT25
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Radio nuclides of sediment core PLUTUR6_BOXT23
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Radio nuclides of sediment core PLUTUR6_BOXT21
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Radio nuclides of sediment core PLUTUR6_BOXT14
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Radio nuclides of sediment core PLUTUR6_BOXT01
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Age model of sediment core MedSeA-S7-c2
Age controls for core MedSeA-S7-c2 (Strait of Sicily). Age model is derived through 210PB and 137Cs profiles. Ages for each sample depth are estimated by CF:CS model. -
Radionuclides of sediment core ARA-6/98-BBTB
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Radionuclides of sediment core ARA-6/98-BBTA
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Radionuclides of sediment core ARA-4/97-B2
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Radionuclides of sediment core ARA-4/97-B1
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Caesium 137 dating of the uppermost sediment record of Biển Hồ maar lake, Cen...
Caesium-137-dating of individual 1-cm sediment intervals was performed using a fully digital BrightSpec bMCAUSB pulse height analyzer coupled to a well-type NaI(Tl) detector of... -
(Table 2) 137Cs, 210Pb and 226Ra activity and derived age of peatland cores f...
The supported 210Pb activity, defined by the 226Ra activity, was determined on each interval by subtracting the 226Ra activity, defined as the average of the measured 214Pb and... -
Radionuclides of caesium, potassium, lead and radium of sediment core GT03-72RL
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Radionuclides of caesium, potassium, lead and radium of sediment core GT03-71RL
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