CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018050812
INITIALIZATION: 2018050812FORECASTS:daily at 00Z out to 45 days (t1068)GRIDS:ARCu0.08 -- poleward of 40NANTu0.08 -- poleward of 49.52SPARAMETERS:hi:standard_name =... -
CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018050712
INITIALIZATION: 2018050712FORECASTS:daily at 00Z out to 45 days (t1068)GRIDS:ARCu0.08 -- poleward of 40NANTu0.08 -- poleward of 49.52SPARAMETERS:hi:standard_name =... -
CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018050512
INITIALIZATION: 2018050512FORECASTS:daily at 00Z out to 45 days (t1068)GRIDS:ARCu0.08 -- poleward of 40NANTu0.08 -- poleward of 49.52SPARAMETERS:hi:standard_name =... -
CICE output from Navy Earth System Model (NESM) for 2018050612
INITIALIZATION: 2018050612FORECASTS:daily at 00Z out to 45 days (t1068)GRIDS:ARCu0.08 -- poleward of 40NANTu0.08 -- poleward of 49.52SPARAMETERS:hi:standard_name =... -
CICE output from Global Ocean Forecast System (GOFS) 3.1 for 2018050612
INITIALIZATION: 2018050612FORECASTS:12-hrly out to 7.5 days (t180)GRIDS:ARCu0.08 -- poleward of 40NANTu0.08 -- poleward of 49.52SPARAMETERS:hi:standard_name =... -
Ground meteorological data obtained using a Mobile - Automatic Weather Statio...
A Mobile - Automatic Weather Station (M-AWS) was designed to record a set of ground measurements, on board a zero-emissions polar vehicle. The M-AWS measured temperature and... -
Providers of polar weather, water, ice and climate information
This data set presents 374 organizations providing Polar specific weather, water, ice and climate information. The organizations are categorized in different categories and... -
Downwelling surface radiative fluxes at Bjørnøya (Dec 2015 - Aug 2016), link ...
Downwelling surface radiative fluxes observed at the meteorological station at Bjørnøya in the Barents Sea. Measurements are made using Kipp and Zonen CMP21 and CGR4...