103 datasets found

Keywords: VALUES

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  • Slovenian Pulse 1/2014

    The study investigates the effect of knowledge on income, the security of employment and possibilities for a better employment, to what extend formal education helps with work,...
  • Slovenian Pulse 12/2014

    The actual political set of questions presented the chances of individual political parties in hypothetical elections, as well as government support and the spread of corruption...
  • Slovenian Pulse 1/2015

    The study investigates the perception of knowledge on income, employment security and chances for better employment. It was also studied how formal education helps at work...
  • Corruption between journalists in Slovenia 2008

    The survey focuses on the problem of corruption between Slovenian journalists. The aim of the survey is to determine the actual condition of corruption between Slovenian...
  • Youth '93

    The study was extended in studies "Youth 1985" and "Youth 1995". Besides the socio-demographics variables the questionnaire includes the following topics: socio-economic...
  • Slovene public opinion survey 2005/1:

    The survey is a part of all-European project which intention is to annotate social changes in certain time period. Thematically the survey is focused on attitudes towards work....
  • Slovene Public Opinion 2008/1

    This is a Slovene replication of EVS08 survey. Broad topics covered are work, the meaning and purpose of life, family life, and contemporary social issues: religious and moral...
  • Slovene Public Opinion 2008/2

    This is a Slovene replication of European Social Survey (ESS08). Several questions are dedicated to variety of core topics repeated from previous rounds of the survey (ESS) but...
  • Slovenian public opinion 2017/1

    The content of the study is procedurally equivalent to the European Values study. Various aspects of values ​​and attitudes towards contemporary social problems are covered,...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1990

    Topics or thematic coverage include also evaluation of the socio-economic and political situation; attitudes towards and perceptions of political pluralism; opinions about the...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1992/3

    The study represents core SJM survey questions repeated from previous surveys, among those also the questions forming the SJM Politbarometer series. The emphasis is also on...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1995/2

    This is a Slovene replication of WVS95 survey. Attached is a series of questions about intergenerational transfer of values and about Slovene regional identity. Broad topics...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1996/1 and Comparative Study of Electoral Syste...

    First chapter is a replication of Module from ISSP survey (ADP - IDNo: ISSP99) Social Inequality II, which focused on judgement on social justice and social differences in the...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1998/2 and Understanding of History II

    The emphasis of the study is on replication of narrow SJM standard topics such as evaluation of the socioeconomic and political situation; trust in institutions, Slovenian...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1989

    The purpose of present SJM survey is to evaluate the proposal of the new Slovene constitution, how informed people are with, and what opinions do they have about the relations...
  • Senior Officers in Republic Slovenia Armed Forces

    Defence Research Centre did for the purpose of Republican Secretariat for National Defence conducte a survey "Senior Officers in Republic Slovenia Armed Forces". Subject of...
  • Socio-economic position of students in Slovenia

    The research on Socio-economic status of students in Slovenia (Ule et al., 2008) was carried out at four universities in Slovenia: University of Ljubljana, University of...
  • Lifestyles in a mediated society 2001

    The key aim of the survey was the exploration of the relationship between social class and lifestyles, i.e. the analysis of the cultural dimensions of social class. The research...
  • Slovenian Pulse 11/2009

    The study focuses on presence of gambling in Slovenia and attitude towards it. Perception of legal gambling in Slovenia can be analysed related to the distribution of its...
  • Slovenian Pulse 1/2010

    The study investigates perception of formal and informal knowledge, its usefulness at work and relation to further education. Perception of obstacles in acquiring knowledge and...
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