103 datasets found

Keywords: VALUES

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  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1981/82

    Questionnaire begins with economic crisis of that time. Next, there are questions on elections, activities in political organizations, and delegational system. In a bloc on...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1984

    First interviewees compare their standard of living with that of five years previous. Next bloc focuses on political system in general, role of League of Communists, and...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1987

    In first bloc, respondents assess economic situation of that time. Next, questions on constitutional changes follow. In part that cover technics and technology, respondents...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1991/2

    Topics or thematic coverage: evaluation of socio-economic and political situation (24 questions and batteries); trust in institutions; Slovenian Politbarometer; left-right...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1992/2

    The first part of the survey replicates the ISSP inequality series, and the second one the NDB Questionnaire. The ISSP questionnaire focused on judgement on social justice and...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1994/1

    Beginning part of the questionnaire deals with the thesis that social development goes in two directions at the same time: individuations and globalization. The emphasis is put...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1994/2

    Topics, covered by survey are: VALUES: national pride, acquisition of citizenship, affiliation (political, local, national, professional, etc.), attitude toward immigration,...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1995/3

    Topics or thematic coverage include perceptions of history, with the special emphasis on the events during the Second World War. The topics, where it was expected to find...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1999/3

    This is a Slovene replication of EVS99 survey. Broad topics covered are work, the meaning and purpose of life, family life, and contemporary social issues: religious and moral...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1988

    The main purpose of the study was inquiry about the public support toward position of Slovene Parliament against the intended reform of Federal Constitution. It is shorter then...
  • Slovene Public Opinion Survey 1990/2

    Current survey includes large number of SJM standard questions. Main chapter deals with the proposal of the new Sloven constitution, suggested by the parliament. Other current...
  • Slovenian Pulse 12/2009

    The study investigates trust to people, connection between private and common property, opinion about contributions to economic efficiency and one's own initiative in suggesting...
  • Slovenian Pulse 2/2010

    The study investigates perception of basic human characteristics of Slovenian nation and affiliation to different groups. Perception of importance of some historical events and...
  • Slovenian Pulse 12/2010

    The survey covers the events in Slovenian politics at that time and concentrates on the topic of gambling. It revealed the survey estimated participation in the referendum on...
  • Slovenian Pulse 2/2011

    The set of questions about Slovenian identity and history examined the extent to which Slovenian residents feel as a members of their nation, state, country, region, Europe,...
  • Slovenian Pulse 1/2012

    The study investigates perception of formal and informal knowledge, its usefulness at work and relation to further education. Perception of obstacles in acquiring knowledge and...
  • Slovenian pulse 12/2012

    The thematic section on gambling covered a part of the questionnaire. It was used to reveal what type of gaming facilities would have been needed in Slovenia. As a regular...
  • Slovenian Pulse 1/2013

    The study investigates the influence of knowledge on income, employment security and chances for a better employment. It also measures people's opinion on how education nowadays...
  • Slovenian Pulse 2/2013

    The set of questions about the Slovenian identity investigated the feel of belonging of Slovenian inhabitants to their nation, region, family, profession, political beliefs, as...
  • Slovenian Pulse 12/2013

    This time the actual political questions concentrated on the newly established political party Solidarnost, international monetary help and the senate of the Commission for the...
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