Magnetic ordering and correlation phenomena in the rare-earth RT2Al10 compounds
RT2Al10 is a new series of rare-earth-based ternary aluminide compounds that show a variety of magnetic phenomena. This proposal is for a muSR study on three of its members to... -
Muon spin relaxation study of Halden like spin chains in Layered Li3Cu2SbO6
A large variety of exotic magnetic structure and relevant magnetic properties is observed in honeycomb layered oxides. Recently Koo et al. have observed two magnetic... -
Fluctuating stripes in an insulating hole-doped antiferromagnet
In a recent letter to Nature, Boothroyd and coworkers have shown that the well known hour-glass spectrum, previously observed in some cuprate materials, occurs in a hole doped... -
Magnetic properties of yttrium diluted Ho2-xYxTi2O7 spin ice.
Pure Ho2Ti2O7 and Dy2Ti2O7 exhibit spin ice behaviour. The recent discovery of monopoles and "magnetricity" in Dy2Ti2O7 spin ice has only added to the interest in these... -
Probing the superconducting ground state of the Heusler superconductors
This proposal plans to investigate the superconducting ground state of the Heusler superconductors with a superconducting transition of ~2K. Heusler compounds have attracted a... -
Neutron scattering and muSR studies of magnetic phenomena in YFe2Al10: case s...
In strongly correlated electron systems, the proximity to magnetic ordering has been of special interest. Magnetism in this class of systems is often suppressed by the Kondo... -
muSR investigation of spin-orbit coupling driven magnetism of Ba3Zn1-xNixIr2O...
Strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) in 5d transition metal oxides very often leads to unexpectedelectronic and magnetic ground state. While a nonmagnetic J=0 ground state can be... -
Investigating magneto-superconductivity of CeO0.5F0.5BiS2 and Ce0.5Sr0.5FBiS2
In this proposal we plan to investigate the anomalous magnetism of Ce in recently discovered CeO0.5F0.5BiS2 and Sr0.5Ce0.5FBiS2 magneto-superconductors. The proposed compounds... -
MuSR studies of the electronic properties of hyperexpanded fullerides close t...
The fcc polymorph of the hyperexpanded fulleride Cs3C60 can be driven to a bulk suprconducting state without symmetry change by the application of pressure. Its Tc passes... -
Doping effects in a S = 1/2 spin ladder system near quantum criticality
Spin ladders are excellent model systems for studying quantum phase transitions, as they exhibit a quantum critical point between non-magnetic spin singlet dimers to Néel... -
µSR Sudy on Ternary Silicides LaNiSi and LaPtSi
In this proposal we wish to investigate the detailed superconducting properties of two non-centrosymmetric ternary silicides, LaNiSi and LaPtSi. We plan to investigate the time... -
The role of spin-orbit coupling for the superconducting state in TrIrSi (Tr =...
Spinorbit coupling (SOC) is a fundamental interaction in solids that can induce unusual physical properties, from topologically non-trivial insulating states to unconventional... -
Muon Spin Relaxation study on Quantum Spin Liquid candidates Tm3Sb3M2O14 (M =...
Quantum spin liquid (QSL) state is a state that spins are highly entangled and frustrated even at absolute zero temperature, which has attracted lots of attentions due to its... -
Muon spin relaxation study of a novel frustrated system: Li7RuO6
Every new triangular lattice (TL) antiferromagnet attracts considerable attention since they usually display rich physics due to the inherent frustration and degenerate ground... -
Superconducting Gap Structure of Single Crystals Organic Superconductor lambd...
The quasi-2-dimensional organic superconductor lambda-(BETS)2GaCl4 is one of the key materials in strongly correlated systems because of the distinct geometrical structure of... -
Investigation of spin dynamics across quantum critical point in Co substitute...
Investigation of correlated behaviour in Ce based intermetallics has continued to fascinate researchers. These compounds exhibit novel ground states depending on the strength of... -
Probing the local magnetic structure and magnetic ground states in strongly s...
Strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) has often lead to exotic properties in otherwise banal pool of 'paramagnetic' heavy ion oxides. In this context d4 Ir systems are exciting... -
Study of superconductivity in Sc5Ir4Si10, Sc5Rh4Si10 and Sc5Co4Si10 using muo...
Ternary compounds R5T4X10 crystallizing in primitive tetragonal structure (space group P4/mbm) present interesting physical properties. Of particular interests are the... -
A uSR Study of Non-Centrosymmetric Superconductor Re6 Hf
In conventional superconductors gauge symmetry is broken, while in unconventional superconductors other symmetries may also be broken. There has recently been a great deal of... -
Magnetic Ordering in the Heavy Fermion CePtZn
In rare-earth containing metals, there is a strong competition between the tendency of these systems to magnetically order or form a superconducting state, mirroring in many...