Superconductivity and magnetism in Cu2+-based coordination polymer [Cu3C6S6]n
Cu-BHT exhibits perfect kagome lattice of Cu2+ and previous combined magnetization and specific heat results suggested the presence of strong spin fluctuations. If there are... -
Time Reversal Symmetry Breaking in Non-Centrosymmetric Superconductor NbOs
There has recently been a great deal of interest in noncentrosymmetric superconductors (NCS) due to the complex nature of their superconducting properties. The lack of inversion... -
Muon spin relaxation study on frustrated pyrohafnates R2Hf2O7 (R = Nd, Sm, Gd...
With the observations of spin ice behaviour in Dy2Ti2O7 and Ho2Ti2O7 the rare earth pyrochlores R2B2O7 have evolved as a hot topic of current research activities. In our effort... -
Time reversal symmetry breaking superconductivity in partially filled skutter...
The unconventional filled skutterudite superconductor, PrPt4Ge12 (Tc~7.9K), was recently discovered, for wihch zero field muon spin relaxation (ZF-MuSR) experiments reveal that... -
μSR Study of the B20 superconductor AuBe
In conventional superconductors inversion symmetry plays an important role in Cooper pair formation. The discovery of superconductors lacking inversion symmetry... -
An investigation of anti-pressure effect on the time reversal symmetry breaki...
In this proposal we propose to continue our investigation into the LaNiC2 non-centrosymmetric superconductors. Previously, we have shown that in this system time reversal... -
Investigating the superconducting and magnetic properties of two new supercon...
Recently, Eckert and co-authors synthesised osmium based two superconductors, NbOsSi and TaOsSi, and found that these compounds exhibit superconductivity below a transition... -
Geometrical frustration induced quantum phase transition in single crystal of...
-The quasi-kagome Kondo lattice CeRhSn exhibits quantum criticality induced by geometrical frustration. Divergent Grüneisen ratios provide evidence for a zero-field QCP. The... -
Dynamical short-range magnetic phase separation in gamma-CoV2O6
Frustration in magnets could stabilize both order and disorder. Exploring frustrated magnetism is of great importance to understanding the quantum many-body physics and... -
µSR study of centrosymmetric and non-centrosymmetric phase of HfRhGe
The field of non-centrosymmetric (NCS) superconductors has gathered much attention in recent years owing to its unconventional behavior. The lack of inversion symmetry in this... -
μSR Study of Non-Centrosymmetric Superconductor La7Rh3 and Y7Pt3
This dataset has no description
Isolating exchange pathways in novel molecular magnets
Experimentally exploring the fascinating physics of one- and two-dimensional magnetism continues to rely on the synthesis of novel, model systems with highly anisotropic... -
Quasi two-dimensional molecular layers separated by magnetic and non-magnetic...
Recent progress in the field of molecular magnetism has shown the clear potential for gaining control over the structural building blocks of molecular materials in order to... -
Two Gap Superconductivity of ZrB12
ZrB12 is a cluster boride compound which is superconducting at 6K although the source of the pairing interaction appears to come from the Zr ions with the boron acting as a... -
Investigation of the reduced dimensionality and magnetic frustration in ACr3A...
The recently superconductivity in a quasi-one-dimensional (Q1D) crystal structure, A2Cr3As3 (R=K, Rb and Cs), have been intensively investigated both experimentally and... -
A µSR study of the charge density wave superconductor CuxTiSe2.
Superconductivity and the charge density wave (CDW) are two very different cooperative electronic phenomena. However, both occur because of Fermi surface instabilities and... -
μSR Studies of Topological Superconductivity in Sn1-xInxTe and CaIrSi3
We propose muSR experiments to study topological superconductivity in the low-carrier-density superconductor Sn1-xinxTe and Rashba-type non-centrosymmetric superconductor... -
muSR study of spin dynamics in quantum spin liquid systems Sr3CuM2O9 (M = Sb,...
Spin liquids are phases of matter where, in spite of strong near neighbour magnetic interactions, long range magnetic ordering is prevented due to conflicting interactions.... -
Low Temperature Magnetic Behaviour of Sm2Zr2O7
Pyrochlore oxides of the type A2B2O7 (where A = trivalent rare earth, B = tetravalent transition metal element) can form geometrically frustrated magnets displaying a range of... -
MuSR study on spin liquid candidate NaYbSe2 with triangular lattice
The quantum spin liquid (QSL) is a long-standing attractive topic in condensed matter physics due to its tight relation to exotic properties such as high temperature...