Frustration-stabilized skyrmions in centrosymmetric compounds
Skyrmions are chiral magnetic spin textures that exist in a variety of different magnetic materials. Skyrmions are usually stabilized in noncentrosymmetric chiral materials by... -
Detection of Spin-Polarized Conduction Electrons in Si by MuSR
One of the challenges of developing Silicon-based spintronics technology is developing non-destructive methods for characterizing spin-polarized conduction electrons. Si is... -
Investigation of unconventional diamagnetic signal in Sr3 Ir2 O7 and Sr2-x La...
High temperature superconductivity in cuprates arises upon adding or removing electrons into parent Mott insulators, but many other competing states such as spin/charge density... -
Quasi two-dimensional molecular layers separated by magnetic and non-magnetic...
Recent progress in the field of molecular magnetism has shown the clear potential for gaining control over the structural building blocks of molecular materials in order to... -
Spin dynamics in CP*-RE-COT
Single-Molecular Magnets (SMMs) provide access to the mesoscopic world. They possess slow magnetization relaxation due to an energy barrier induced by axial magnetic anisotropy,... -
SR study near the ferromagnetic quantum critical point in CePd1-xRhx ...
Rcently the NFL behaviour near an antiferromagnetic quantum critical point (AFQCP) has been investigated extensively. Very recently, we have investigated, for the first time,... -
Search for ferromagnetic quantum critical point in the Weyl semimetal Co3-xNi...
The layered half-metal Co3Sn2S2 with a Kagomé lattice in the a-b plane has been recently discovered as a magnetic Weyl semimetal, whose Weyl nodes are only 60 meV above the... -
Muon spin relaxation study of biskyrmions in MnNiGa
Skyrmions are chiral spin textures that exist in a variety of magnetic materials. These states are topologically non-trivial, which gives them stability expected to be useful... -
Spin liquid state in a novel rare-earth based triangular lattice antiferromag...
Rare-earth based geometrically frustrated magnets represent a promising new platform for the search of enigmatic quantum spin liquids. Here, the entanglement of spin and orbital... -
Comparative study of magnetic Skyrmion formation in Co-Mn-Zn alloys
Skyrmions are topologically protected vortex-like spin textures, and have been attracting increasing attention due to their potential technological applications for spintronics.... -
Novel ground states and spin ordering in pyrochlore iridates
We request four days of beam time to conduct zero, transverse, and longitudinal field measurements on pyrochlore iridates A2Ir2O7 (A-227) with A = Yb, Y, Nd in the temperature... -
A µSR stoichiometry study of TixV1-x alloys superconductivity in the presen...
This is a continuation proposal, for work carried out previously on the EMU and MuSR spectrometers. We have determined that spin fluctuations are present in this system, by... -
muSR of Polyethylene Oxide: A Simple Proton-Conducting Polymer
Proton-conducting polymer membranes have significant technological applications in hydrogen or methanol fuel cells. muSR can shed light on the mechanisms for proton transport in... -
MuSR Studies of the Proton Conducting Polymer Nafion
The fluorinated ionomer Nafion is a material that provides efficient proton conducting membranes for application in important technological areas such as hydrogen fuel cells.... -
Charge transport studies in n-type phthalocyanines (RB920501)
This experiment addresses the study of electron transport in zinc-hexadecafluoro-phthalocyanine (F16-ZnPc), a model n-type phthalocyanine employed in organic electronics, using... -
Spectroscopy of muon centres in n-type silicon carbide
We propose a series of measurements to complete the previous direct spectroscopic measurements of the Muonium defect energy levels in Silicon Carbide (SiC; RB110134). We will... -
Magnetic correlations in the Heavy Fermion Ce3Co4Sn13
Ce3Co4Sn13 is a cubic heavy Fermion system which resides close to a magnetic instability.Under ambient conditions Ce3Co4Sn13 exhibits an extremely large (4 J/mol Ce K2) peak in... -
Total Scattering Study of Caesium and Thallium Azides
This proposal seeks to conduct total-scattering studies on thallium and caesium azides to investigate the effect of temperature on the atomic motions, particularly of the azide... -
Equation of state of ice VI
Ice VI is likely to be a major mantle mineral in the interiors of large icy moons in our solar system, and in large icy extrasolar planets. It is also a common accessory phase... -
Direct measurement of magnetoelectric coupling - a new room temperature multi...
We have recently performed muon measurements on a member of a new class of multiferroic materials. We have shown that there is hysteretic behaviour to the internal field...