Searching for magnetic ordering and spin-gapped behavior in the first S = 1 ¿...
We propose to explore the spin dynamics in LiNiVO4, a system which we believe is a previously unobserved realization of a random distribution of 1D antiferromagnetic Heisenberg... -
Fluctuating stripes in an insulating hole-doped antiferromagnet
In a recent letter to Nature, Boothroyd and coworkers have shown that the well known hour-glass spectrum, previously observed in some cuprate materials, occurs in a hole doped... -
Geometrical frustration induced magnetism in single crystal of CeIrSn: A Muon...
The quasi-kagome Kondo lattice CeRhSn exhibits quantum criticality induced by geometrical frustration. Divergent Grüneisen ratios provide evidence for a zero-field QCP. The... -
Probing the superconducting ground state of the Heusler superconductors
This proposal plans to investigate the superconducting ground state of the Heusler superconductors with a superconducting transition of ~2K. Heusler compounds have attracted a... -
Investigation of the Evolution of Broken Time Reversal Symmetry in Pr1-xNdxOs...
PrOs4Sb12 is a 1.85 K superconductor. Its superconductivity shows unconventional behavior, and the originating mechanism remains unknown. One characteristic is an internal... -
Study of superconductivity in Sc5Ir4Si10, Sc5Rh4Si10 and Sc5Co4Si10 using muo...
Ternary compounds R5T4X10 crystallizing in primitive tetragonal structure (space group P4/mbm) present interesting physical properties. Of particular interests are the... -
Investigation of the Evolution of Broken Time Reversal Symmetry in Pr1-xNdxOs...
PrOs4Sb12 is a 1.85 K superconductor. Its superconductivity shows unconventional behavior, and the originating mechanism remains unknown. One characteristic is an internal... -
The Destruction of Superconductivity by Inter-Band Scattering in (Lu1-xYx)2Fe...
This proposal plans to investigate the destruction of superconductivity by inter-band scattering in Lu_2Fe_3Si_5 doped by Y and Dy. Recent muon spin rotation studies have shown...