Muon spin relaxation study of Halden like spin chains in Layered Li3Cu2SbO6
A large variety of exotic magnetic structure and relevant magnetic properties is observed in honeycomb layered oxides. Recently Koo et al. have observed two magnetic... -
Searching for magnetic ordering and spin-gapped behavior in the first S = 1 ¿...
We propose to explore the spin dynamics in LiNiVO4, a system which we believe is a previously unobserved realization of a random distribution of 1D antiferromagnetic Heisenberg... -
Geometrical frustration induced magnetism in single crystal of CeIrSn: A Muon...
The quasi-kagome Kondo lattice CeRhSn exhibits quantum criticality induced by geometrical frustration. Divergent Grüneisen ratios provide evidence for a zero-field QCP. The... -
Probing the superconducting ground state of the Heusler superconductors
This proposal plans to investigate the superconducting ground state of the Heusler superconductors with a superconducting transition of ~2K. Heusler compounds have attracted a... -
Completing the phase diagram of a 2D molecular antiferromagnet
Low-dimensional quantum magnetism continues to be of great theoretical and experimental interest as reduced dimensionality supports strong quantum fluctuations which can result... -
Muon spin relaxation study of non-Fermi-liquid behaviour at the border magnet...
The understanding of mechanisms responsible for the formation of Non-Fermi Liquid state (NFL) and its relation to unconventional superconductivity is among the largest... -
Dynamics in staggered molecular spin chains
The ability to manipulate quantum states of matter is a goal of condensed matter science. Recent progress in molecular magnetism has shown the potential for gaining control over... -
µSR studies of the superconducting and magnetic properties of FeSe1-xSx
FeSe1-xSx is an important model system for investigating the relationship between superconductivity and nematicity. The nematicity can be suppressed systematically by the... -
The role of spin-orbit coupling for the superconducting state in TrIrSi (Tr =...
Spinorbit coupling (SOC) is a fundamental interaction in solids that can induce unusual physical properties, from topologically non-trivial insulating states to unconventional... -
Probing time-reversal-symmetry breaking superconductivity in LaPt3P
Recently, a new family of ternary platinum phosphide superconductors have been synthesised with the chemical formula APt3P (A = Sr, Ca, and La, with Tcs of 8.4, 6.6, and 1.5 K,... -
Investigation of spin dynamics across quantum critical point in Co substitute...
Investigation of correlated behaviour in Ce based intermetallics has continued to fascinate researchers. These compounds exhibit novel ground states depending on the strength of... -
Magnetism and superconductivity in hyperexpanded fullerides close to the Mott...
The fcc polymorph of the hyperexpanded fulleride Cs3C60 can be driven to a bulk suprconducting state without symmetry change by the application of pressure. Its Tc passes... -
The superconducting properties of a spin-3/2 superconductor
In all known superconductors, the supercurrent is carried by Cooper pairs which consist of spin-1/2 quasiparticles in either spin-singlet (the usual case) or spin-triplet (the... -
Spin dynamics in the quantum spin ice state of Yb2Ti2O7
We propose to carry out a muSR study of the spin dynamics in two single crystal samples of Yb2Ti2O7. Both samples are notionally stoichiometric but they have been prepared using... -
Probing the local magnetic structure and magnetic ground states in strongly s...
Strong spin-orbit coupling (SOC) has often lead to exotic properties in otherwise banal pool of 'paramagnetic' heavy ion oxides. In this context d4 Ir systems are exciting... -
The internal field in a ferromagnetic organic radical crystal with chiral mol...
Shiomi et al. have prepared a nitronyl nitroxide radical-based compound which has a chiral packing of the molecular units. This is the first discovery of a purely organic chiral... -
Study of superconductivity in Sc5Ir4Si10, Sc5Rh4Si10 and Sc5Co4Si10 using muo...
Ternary compounds R5T4X10 crystallizing in primitive tetragonal structure (space group P4/mbm) present interesting physical properties. Of particular interests are the... -
Coupling of chains in a new, highly tuneable, isostructural series of model q...
Here we propose measurements on a unique, newly synthesized series of coordination polymers based on chains of Cu2+ ions. These have been designed with the intention of... -
Investigating the superconducting pairing symmetry of heavy fermion supercond...
The first discovered heavy fermion superconductor CeCu2Si2 had been believed to have d-wave pairing symmetry for many years. However, recent experiments on CeCu2Si2 discovered... -
A uSR study of the superconducting ground state in the ternary intermetallics...
The ternary intermetallics, which crystallise in the ThCr2Si2 structure, have been extensively studied mainly because these materials offer a rich variety of exotic ground...