285 datasets found

Keywords: Sysselsättning

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  • Svenska väljarkåren 1887-1968

    The study concerns the parliamentary elections (for the second chamber) from 1887, the first election of modern type in Sweden´s history with clearly demarcated political...
  • Valdataarkivet 1948-1970

    The data collection consists of data from all parliamentary elections and county council elections during the period 1948-1970. There are also information about branches of...
  • Folkräkningen 1940 - Yrkesgrupper

    This data collection is divided into two subset. For each municipality and town there is information about total population within the principal occupational groups agriculture...
  • Hushållens inkomster 1975

    The households´ incomes is a yearly survey of about 10.000 households´ economy based on data from a questionnaire, taxation registers and other official registers. 1975 was the...
  • Västeuropeiska ekologdata

    This study includes data on regional level for nine Western European countries: election returns, occupation categories, religion, population.
  • Journalist 1989

    This survey forms part of the project 'Publicistisk sed'. The questions are divided into six blocks: employment, professional role and professional regulations; mass media...
  • HUS - Hushållens ekonomiska levnadsförhållanden

    The Household Market and Nonmarket Activities (HUS) project started as a joint research project between the Industrial Institute for Economic and Social Research (IUI) and...
  • Skolungdoms förvärvsarbete 1987

    This survey was made at the request of the Göteborg district of the Swedish Trade Union Confederation. The main purpose of the project was to investigate the occurrence of...
  • Kvinnor i Sverige 1981 - om familj och arbetsliv

    This investigation on Swedish women aged 20-45 years shed light on their views on family and working life. The questions are divided into nine parts: Background describe marital...
  • Folk- och bostadsräkningen 1980: Yrkesgrupper

    This file consists of an excerpt from the census of population and housing 1980. The following information is included: year of birth, gender, parish, working hours per week,...
  • Arbetslivsfonden och arbetet med att förändra svenskt arbetsliv 1990-1995

    During the period 1990-1995 approximately 25 000 workplace programmes were carried out with financial contribution from the Swedish Working Life Fund (ALF). The aim of the...
  • Arbetslivsfonden 1990-1995

    During the period 1990-1995 approximately 25 000 workplace programmes were carried out with financial contribution from the Swedish Working Life Fund (ALF). The aim of the...
  • Göteborgs kommun: Personalstatistik 1989-1993

    This datasets includes information on sex, age, position, personnel category, full-time, part-time or hourly-paid employment, for all persons employed by the Göteborg...
  • Journalist 1994

    In 1989 a survey of journalists, Journalist 1989, was carried out with the purpose to shed light on Swedish journalists' perception of their professional role, work situation...
  • Journalist 1995

    Journalist 1995 is based on two predecessors: Journalist 1989 and Journalist 1994. A common aim of the surveys is to give a picture of Swedish journalists´ in regard of their...
  • Svenskt lantbruk under omställning - lantbrukshushållens villkor och strategi...

    This is a survey of farming households in three different areas of Sweden. Swedish agriculture is presently undergoing a radical reorganization. Regulation systems are...
  • ISSP 1997 - Åsikter om jobben och arbetslivet

    This survey is the Swedish part of the 1997 'International Social Survey Program'. ISSP is an ongoing program of cross-national collaboration. Formed in 1984, the group develops...
  • Longitudinell studie av arbetssökande

    En longitudinell studie med ett urval av ursprungligen 800 personer i åldern 25-54 år, som 1992 var arbetslösa och sökte arbete via arbetsförmedlingen. Den första...
  • ISSP 2005 - Åsikter om jobben och arbetslivet

    This survey is the Swedish part of the 2005 'International Social Survey Program' (ISSP), and it is the second time Sweden participates in an ISSP-survey focusing on work...
  • Hur är det att vara tillfälligt anställd?

    A flexible income and fixed expenses : Economic stress among on call-employees The aim of the study was to investigate the economic situation of temporary employees. The study...
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