Göteborgs kommun: Personalstatistik november 1993
This data set contains information on gender, age, position, staff category, full-time, part-time or hourly paid employment, for all persons employed in the municipality of... -
Journalist 1994
In 1989 a survey of journalists, Journalist 1989, was carried out with the purpose to shed light on Swedish journalists' perception of their professional role, work situation... -
Journalist 1995
Journalist 1995 is based on two predecessors: Journalist 1989 and Journalist 1994. A common aim of the surveys is to give a picture of Swedish journalists´ in regard of their... -
Svenskt lantbruk under omställning - lantbrukshushållens villkor och strategi...
This is a survey of farming households in three different areas of Sweden. Swedish agriculture is presently undergoing a radical reorganization. Regulation systems are... -
ISSP 1997 - Åsikter om jobben och arbetslivet
This survey is the Swedish part of the 1997 'International Social Survey Program'. ISSP is an ongoing program of cross-national collaboration. Formed in 1984, the group develops... -
Longitudinell studie av arbetssökande 1992
En longitudinell studie med ett urval av ursprungligen 800 personer i åldern 25-54 år, som 1992 var arbetslösa och sökte arbete via arbetsförmedlingen. Den första... -
Longitudinell studie av arbetssökande 1993
En longitudinell studie med ett urval av ursprungligen 800 personer i åldern 25-54 år, som 1992 var arbetslösa och sökte arbete via arbetsförmedlingen. Den första... -
Longitudinell studie av arbetssökande 2001
En longitudinell studie med ett urval av ursprungligen 800 personer i åldern 25-54 år, som 1992 var arbetslösa och sökte arbete via arbetsförmedlingen. Den första... -
ISSP 2005 - Åsikter om jobben och arbetslivet
This survey is the Swedish part of the 2005 'International Social Survey Program' (ISSP), and it is the second time Sweden participates in an ISSP-survey focusing on work... -
Hur är det att vara tillfälligt anställd?
A flexible income and fixed expenses : Economic stress among on call-employees The aim of the study was to investigate the economic situation of temporary employees. The study... -
Den nationella SOM-undersökningens kumulativa dataset
In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three... -
ESS 5 – Den europeiska socialundersökningen 2010, Sverige
This survey is the Swedish part of the 2010 'European Social Survey ' (ESS), and is focusing on family, work and well-being as well as justice. The survey also includes data on... -
ESS 6 – Den europeiska socialundersökningen 2012, Sverige
This survey is the Swedish part of the 2012 'European Social Survey ' (ESS), and is focusing on democracy and personal and social well-being. The survey also includes data on... -
ESS 7 – Den europeiska socialundersökningen 2014, Sverige
This survey is the Swedish part of the 2014 'European Social Survey ' (ESS), and is focusing on democracy and personal and social well-being. The survey also includes data on... -
Svensk kontextdatabas för den svenska Generations and Gender Survey och den i...
The Swedish Contextual Database provides a large number of longitudinal and regional macro-level indicators primarily assembled to facilitate research on the effects of... -
LNU - Levnadsnivåundersökningen
The first level of living survey started within the framework of a governmental commission set up to study the prevalence and problems of low incomes. Their task was broadly... -
Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet
The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The... -
Umeå SIMSAM Lab: Ett registerbaserat forskningsprogram som knyter samman barn...
The Umea ̊ SIMSAM Lab in a nutshell: 1) The Lab was established for interdisciplinary research from childhood into lifelong health and welfare. It provides individual-level... -
Texter från Arbetsförmedlingen
Parallel texts downloaded from the websites of the Swedish Public Employment Agency. Parallella texter nedladdade från Arbetsförmedlingens webbplats. Multilingual parallel... -
Demografisk och ekonomisk analys
Time series 1960-1975 for Swedish municipalities. Contains demographic data, economic data, housing statistics, employment and profession statistics. Election returns from the...