Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer
Launched in June, 1992, The Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer (EUVE) conducted the first extreme ultraviolet (70-760 Angstroms) survey of the sky and subsequently began a Guest... -
AKARI Far-infrared All-Sky Survey Maps
The AKARI Far-infrared All-Sky Survey Maps is produced with the participation of people from the following institutes: University of Tokyo, ISAS/JAXA, Tohoku University, and... -
Digitized Sky Survey
The Online Digitized Sky Surveys (DSS1 & 2) server at the ESO/ST-ECF Archive provides access to the CD-ROM set produced by the Space Telescope Science Institute through its... -
Democracy Radar Wave 1 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. Data set of the first wave of the Democracy Radar with data on attitudes towards democracy, politics and the political system in Austria and... -
Austria's image in West Germany 1985 - a comparison to Germany and Switzerlan...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in West Germany 1985. The study evaluates Austria's image and its... -
Values in Crisis Austria – Wave 1 and Wave 2 combined (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The COVID-19 pandemic has led to various Online-Panel studies to study the social effects of the crisis. The Values in Crisis study stands out... -
Democracy Radar Wave 2 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. Data set of the second wave of the Democracy Radar with data on attitudes towards democracy, politics and the political system in Austria and... -
Digitize! Online Panel Survey (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The Digitize! Online Panel Survey is an offline-recruited Austrian opinion survey which measures attitudes and behavior towards several social... -
Replication Data for: Integrating online data collection in a household panel...
Received wisdom in survey practice suggests that using web mode in the first wave of a panelstudy is not as effective as using interviewers. Based on data from a two-wave mode... -
Democracy Radar Wave 4 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. Data set of the fourth wave of the Democracy Radar with data on attitudes towards democracy, politics and the political system in Austria and... -
RECONNECT Survey on EU Reform Preferences: Comparative Online Conjoint Analys...
Full edition for scientific use. The RECONNECT Survey on EU Reform Preferences dataset contains responses from 12.000 eligible voters in six EU member states (Denmark, Germany,... -
Replication Data for: Does name order still matter for candidates in a presid...
During elections, political polls provide critical data for the support each candidate receives. For that reason, the measurement of questions asking about candidate support has... -
Replication Data for: Text Message (SMS) Pre-notifications, Invitations and R...
This paper presents the findings derived from a mobile friendly web survey, during which all invitations and reminders were sent as text messages via short message service (SMS)... -
Replication Data for: "Digital Mobility“ and Data Quality. Consequences of no...
A paper and pencil questionnaire is usually filled out at the place of receipt. For a household survey, this is quite often the residential address of respondents. When... -
Values in Crisis Austria (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. The COVID-19 pandemic offers unique opportunity - a natural experiment indeed - to study how people’s moral values change during times of... -
Democracy Radar Wave 8 (SUF edition)
Full edition for scientific use. Data set of the eighth wave of the Democracy Radar with data on attitudes towards democracy, politics and the political system in Austria and... -
Replication Data for: International Nonresponse Trends across Countries and Y...
Household survey nonresponse is a matter of concern in many countries. In one of the first international trend analyses, de Leeuw and de Heer (2002) found that response rates... -
Replication Data for: Pouring water into wine: revisiting the advantages of t...
The Crosswise Model (CM) has been proposed as a method to reduce effects of social desirability in sensitive questions. In contrast with former variants of Randomized Response... -
Austria's image in Algeria 1988 - a comparison to Germany and Switzerland (OA...
Full edition for public use. The country image of Austria in comparison with Germany's and Switzerland's image in Algeria 1988. The study aimed to evaluate Austria's image and... -
Replication Data for: Presentation Format Differences in Factorial Surveys: W...
This study is devoted to an analysis of presentation format differences in factorial survey experiments by the example of fear of crime as conceptualized by criminological...