Tissue extension rates of the cold-water coral Dendrophyllia cornigera from a...
A 9-month aquarium experiment with the cold-water coral Dendrophyllia cornigera was conducted to investigate the single and combined effects of warming, acidification, and... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and carbon assimilation of marine calcifiers
Ocean acidification by anthropogenic carbon dioxide emissions is projected to depress metabolic and physiological activity in marine calcifiers. To evaluate the sensitivity of... -
Otolith images of Centrolophus niger collected south of Iceland in July 2017 ...
This data set has biological measurements and stomach content analysis for fourteen specimens of Centrolophus niger which were frozen whole at sea during the Icelandic part of... -
Prey items of Centrolophus niger collected south of Iceland in July 2017 and ...
This data set has biological measurements and stomach content analysis for fourteen specimens of Centrolophus niger which were frozen whole at sea during the Icelandic part of... -
Characteristics of Centrolophus niger collected south of Iceland in July 2017...
This data set has biological measurements and stomach content analysis for fourteen specimens of Centrolophus niger which were frozen whole at sea during the Icelandic part of... -
Stomach contents of Benthosema glaciale collected during RV G.O. Sars cruise ...
The data is used in a comparative analysis of the diet of one of the globally most numerous myctophids, the Glacier lantern fish Benthosema glaciale, across four deep basins of... -
Metrics of Benthosema glaciale collected during RV G.O. Sars cruise 2013107 a...
The data is used in a comparative analysis of the diet of one of the globally most numerous myctophids, the Glacier lantern fish Benthosema glaciale, across four deep basins of... -
Vertical day-night distribution of the salp Soestia zonaria in the temperate ...
Although the oceanic widespread pelagic tunicate Soestia zonaria has been studied for more than a century, little ecological information exists. Soestia primarily occurs in... -
Diet composition of Atlantic bluefin tuna in the Iceland Sea and surrounding ...
We present data of Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus) diet published in Ólafsdóttir et al (2016). Each line corresponds to the observation of one prey individual in a... -
Orbulina universa shell calcification and porosity data from sediment samples...
This dataset has no description
Red Crab artisanal fishing Callinectes bocourti (A. Milne Edwards, 1879), (Cr...
For the study, 65 specimens of male crabs were captured in an estuary on the northern coast of Brazil. The study area is located in the coastal area of the municipality of São... -
Foraging data to model energy acquisition and requirements of sperm whales (P...
Information on foraging behaviour is critical for modelling estimations of energy acquisition and requirements of top predators and consequently to predict how animals will be... -
Gene expression by the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor during a...
We report the results of an aquaria-based experiment testing the effects of suspended particles generated during potential mining activities, on a common habitat-building coral... -
Stress biomarkers in the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor during...
We report the results of an aquaria-based experiment testing the effects of suspended particles generated during potential mining activities, on a common habitat-building coral... -
Metabolic rates of the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor during a...
We report the results of an aquaria-based experiment testing the effects of suspended particles generated during potential mining activities, on a common habitat-building coral... -
Metal bioaccumulation by the cold-water octocoral Dentomuricea aff. meteor du...
We report the results of an aquaria-based experiment testing the effects of suspended particles generated during potential mining activities, on a common habitat-building coral... -
Dive metrics of sperm whales collected between 2017 and 2019 off the Azores, ...
The development of sophisticated multi-sensor tags incorporating high-resolution movement sensors and hydrophones has enabled unprecedented views of the 3D fine-scale movement... -
Abundance of skeletobionts on Middle Devonian brachiopods from Madène el Mrak...
Brachiopod shells were collected from the scree directly adjacent to the exposures in Madène el Mrakib in order to describe skeletobiont diversity, abundance and colonization... -
Cold-water octocoral Viminella flagellum respiration rates during an acute Cu...
Herein we report the respiration rates (O2 consumption) of the cold-water coral Viminella flagellum exposed to acute Cu concentrations. In a lab experiment, sixty nubbins of V.... -
Dive characteristics of fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) instrumented with ...
We report dive data collected from 21 fin whales (Balaenoptera physalus) instrumented with time-depth recorders (TDRs) off the Azores (38° N 28° W) between April and September,...