Radiocarbon dating of sediment core EN21103 from Lake Ulu, eastern Siberia
Radiocarbon dating performed on the total organic carbon content of 40 bulk sediments, measured at the MICADAS (Mini Carbon Dating System) Laboratory of AWI in Bremerhaven. -
Diatom distribution in sediment core PG2208
A total of 37 samples from sediment core PG2208 were analyses for diatoms, of which we found valves in 32 samples. For species analysis we prepared diatom slides for light... -
Mineral composition of sediment core PG2208
To analyze the mineralogical composition of sediments we freeze-dried and milled 19 samples for X-ray diffractometry (XRD) using a PHILIPS PW1820 goniometer (40 kV, 40 mA, from... -
Grain size composition of sediment core PG2208
Before conducting grain-size analysis, we treated 36 samples with hydrogen peroxide (30%), set on a platform shaker for 4–5 weeks to remove organic matter, while keeping the pH... -
Elemental composition of sediment core PG2208
Core sections were opened alongside and cut into halves of which one was used for non-destructive XRF scanning and back-up material, while the other one was subsampled for... -
Age determination of sediment core PG2208
To gain a composite core record for core PG2208 (Figure 1) we used XRF data, i.e., Sr, to correlate overlapping parts of retrieved sections resulting in 367 cm in total. For... -
Organic geochemistry of sediment core PG2208
To gain information on organic matter variability we analyzed 204 samples for total carbon (TC) and nitrogen (N), 190 samples for total organic carbon (TOC), 45 samples for... -
Vector dataset of manually mapped retrogressive thaw slumps from very high-re...
We present a comprehensive inventory of retrogressive thaw slumps (RTS) for six study sites in the Russian High Arctic covering an area of more than 600 km². The sites are... -
Ground layer above-ground biomass of 39 sites in central Chukotka from 2018 -...
Field investigations were performed in four areas: a treeless mountainous tundra (16-KP-04; Lake Rauchuagytgyn area), tundra-taiga transition zone (16-KP-01, Lake Ilirney area)... -
Ground layer above-ground biomass of 20 sites of Yakutia from 2018 - Raw data...
Field investigations were performed selecting locations to include the variety of present boreal forest stands between 113-130 °E, eastwards of the city Yaktusk until... -
Ground layer above-ground biomass of 20 sites of Yakutia from 2018 - Accumula...
Field investigations were performed selecting locations to include the variety of present boreal forest stands between 113-130 °E, eastwards of the city Yaktusk until... -
Summer hydrophysical properties of thermokarst lakes in the Central Yakutian ...
This dataset presents the assessment of the lake types and settings together with the data on hydrophysical parameters measurements including Electrical Conductivity, on-site... -
Individual tree and tall shrub partial above-ground biomass of central Chukot...
Tree and tall shrub above ground biomass (AGB) samples were taken in five areas: a treeless mountainous tundra (16-KP-04; Lake Rauchuagytgyn area), tundra-taiga transition zone... -
Total above-ground biomass of 39 vegetation sites of central Chukotka from 2018
Field investigations were performed in four areas: a treeless mountainous tundra (16-KP-04; Lake Rauchuagytgyn area), tundra-taiga transition zone (16-KP-01, Lake Ilirney area)... -
Foliage projective cover of 40 vegetation sites of central Chukotka from 2018
Field investigations were performed in four areas: a treeless mountainous tundra (16-KP-04; Lake Rauchuagytgyn area), tundra-taiga transition zone (16-KP-01, Lake Ilirney area)... -
Horizons, seismic reference profile, high-resolution figures and statistical ...
Density-driven mass movement deposits (MMDs) were mapped throughout the Quaternary sedimentary record of Lake El'gygytgyn (NE Siberia) using high-resolution acoustic data. Three... -
Overwintering fires in Yakutia
This dataset provides estimates of daily burned area, and daily fire start locations with the attribution from six developed scenarios in Yakutia, Russia. The data are at a 500... -
Radiocarbon age dating results of sediment short core EN18232-1 from Lake Kha...
The data compiles the results of radiocarbon dating. Subsamples (n=4) of the freeze-dried bulk material of the deeper part of the short core EN18232-1 were dated in the... -
Radiometric age dating results for 210Pb and 137Cs of sediment short core EN1...
The data presents the results of dating by 210Pb and 137Cs. Freeze-dried subsamples of the short core EN18232-1 were analysed for 210Pb, 226Ra, 137Cs and 241Am by direct gamma... -
n-Fatty acid composition per total organic carbon in a rapidly eroding permaf...
Organic carbon (OC) stored in Arctic permafrost represents one of Earth’s largest and most vulnerable terrestrial carbon pools. Amplified climate warming across the Arctic...