Barcode sequencing of Saccharomyces cerevisiae deletion libraries, SYBARIS pr...
A systematic approach allowing the identification of the molecular way-of-action of novel potential drugs represents the golden-tool for drug-discovery. While high-throughput... -
DNA-seq of budding yeast hybrid species isolated from the wild and from human...
Genomic surveys of yeast hybrid species isolated from the wild and from human-related environment, aimed at the reconstruction of the natural evolution of Saccharomyces spp.... -
RNA-Seq of Saccharomyces cerevisiae M28 strains with smooth and filigreed col...
Saccharomyces cerevisiae M28 strain has been shown to form either smooth or filigreed colonies, and in some cases to exhibit resistance to trifluoroleucine. RNA-sequencing was... -
DNA-seq of various fungi isolated from faecal materials and environmental sam...
Aim of this project is to perform a comparative genomic study (including all S. cerevisiae sequenced and available) of the variability and evolutionary traits of yeast. -
RNA-Seq of human dendritic cells from aspergillosis and asthma patients after...
Aspergillosis covers a range of infections cause by Aspergillus species, and in many cases can be life threatening. Individuals with weakened immune systems are particularly at...