70 datasets found

Keywords: Religion och värderingar

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  • Polyglossia and Nativization. The translation of zoonyms in early Dutch Bible...

    This study deals with the translation of exotic zoonyms in early Dutch Bibles. By looking at which course of action a translator has taken (for example, translating a zoonym as...
  • Född i Stockholm på femtiotalet

    The Stockholm Birth Cohort Study (SBC) was created in 2004/2005 by a probability matching of two anonymized longitudinal datasets; The Stockholm Metropolitan study and The...
  • Kyrkan i förorten - Religion och kyrka i nio bostadsområden 1980-1981

    The object of the Suburbian Church project was to make the factors clear about the churches built in the suburbs during the period 1967-1978, the ideology behind their coming...
  • Svenskarnas syn på livsåskådning, religion och bibeln 1984/1985

    In September 1981 a new Swedish translation of the New Testament was published. The main purpose of this survey is to show the possession and use of the Bible among the Swedish...
  • Svenskarnas syn på livsåskådning, religion och bibeln 1984/1985_2

    In September 1981 a new Swedish translation of the New Testament was published. The main purpose of this survey is to show the possession and use of the Bible among the Swedish...
  • Svenskarnas syn på livsåskådning, religion och bibeln 1984/1985_3

    In September 1981 a new Swedish translation of the New Testament was published. The main purpose of this survey is to show the possession and use of the Bible among the Swedish...
  • Västeuropeiska ekologdata - Österrike

    This study includes data on regional level for nine Western European countries: election returns, occupation categories, religion, population. This study includes data on...
  • Västeuropeiska ekologdata - Belgien

    This study includes data on regional level for nine Western European countries: election returns, occupation categories, religion, population. This study includes data on...
  • Västeuropeiska ekologdata - Finland

    This study includes data on regional level for nine Western European countries: election returns, occupation categories, religion, population. This study includes data on...
  • Västeuropeiska ekologdata - Frankrike

    This study includes data on regional level for nine Western European countries: election returns, occupation categories, religion, population. This study includes data on...
  • Västeuropeiska ekologdata - Grekland

    This study includes data on regional level for nine Western European countries: election returns, occupation categories, religion, population. This study includes data on...
  • Västeuropeiska ekologdata - Italien

    This study includes data on regional level for nine Western European countries: election returns, occupation categories, religion, population. This study includes data on...
  • Västeuropeiska ekologdata - Nederländerna

    This study includes data on regional level for nine Western European countries: election returns, occupation categories, religion, population. This study includes data on...
  • Västeuropeiska ekologdata - Portugal

    This study includes data on regional level for nine Western European countries: election returns, occupation categories, religion, population. This study includes data on...
  • Västeuropeiska ekologdata - Spanien

    This study includes data on regional level for nine Western European countries: election returns, occupation categories, religion, population. This study includes data on...
  • Den nationella SOM-undersökningen 1990

    The questionnaire for the fifth study in the series of annual SOM-surveys was divided into seven subject fields: mass media; politics and society; energy, nuclear power and...
  • Estoniaundersökningen 1994

    The survey was conducted by SIFO on behalf of the Estonia group at the Swedish Church Research Secretariat in Uppsala. The study was conducted over a two week period about two...
  • Svensk kyrklig sed 1962

    Lund University Church History Archive was founded in 1942. The task was to explain and document how the life and manners of the Swedish people was rooted in Christian belief...
  • Svensk kyrklig sed 1968

    Lund University Church History Archive was founded in 1942. The task was to explain and document how the life and manners of the Swedish people was rooted in Christian belief...
  • Svensk kyrklig sed 1974

    Lund University Church History Archive was founded in 1942. The task was to explain and document how the life and manners of the Swedish people was rooted in Christian belief...
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