Grain size, organic characteristics and heavy metals in surface sediment from...
Urbanization and agriculture along the coastal regions of Ghana contribute to increasing environmental pollution. Ecological assessment of heavy metals in surface sediment of... -
(Table A4) Mercury analyses performed on fossil sediment sequence GeoHH-SH02.2
Overview of the mercury (Hg) concentrations of core GeoHH-SH02.2 (Süderheverkoog), representing the natural preindustrial Hg background levels for the depositional environment... -
Total mercury and total methylmercury during the POLARSTERN cruise ARK-XXVI/3...
Methylmercury (MeHg) is a neurotoxic compound that threatens wildlife and human health across the Arctic region. Though much is known about the source and dynamics of its... -
Geochemical analysis of volcanic rocks from the Antarctic Peninsula
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X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) measurements of floodplain sediments from NEP 1, NEP...
This data set presents bulk sample-based X-ray Fluorescence (XRF) measurements. For XRF sample preparation freeze-dried sediments from silt-clay overbank deposits of the Eger... -
Trace element data from spring, river, and precipitation samples from the Rov...
Water samples from springs, a river, and precipitation in the Rovte region, central Slovenia, were analyzed for their trace metal concentrations. The sampling campaign covered... -
Multielement and grain-size data of sediment cores from the IODP Expedition 3...
This dataset contains the contents of 58 elements and grain-size distribution in 48 sediment samples from sediment cores from six sites with the water depths greater 7.5 km in... -
(Table 1) Age, fork length, tissue d15N and mercury content of arctic char (S...
Note that in the article the data columns of Table 1 are displaced. We here present the data in the corrected format. -
Elemental analysis of fine (PM2.5) and coarse (PM10-2.5) aerosol at time seri...
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Aerosols, long irradiation neutron activation analysis
Detection level, a '1' indicates that while a peak was detected, the isotope sample was below the level of detection relative to background 'noise'. The element concentration... -
Hydrogeochemical and isotopic data of the Učja aquifer, NW Slovenia
The Učja aquifer, located in the E-W-orientated Učja Valley in NW Slovenia, presents a potential cross-border water resource. Due to the difficult access and steep mountain... -
Compilation of major and trace element concentrations in mesopelagic and othe...
Organisms accumulate major and trace elements (including metals) directly from the external environment and/or indirectly through diet. As such, their elemental composition can... -
Energy density and elemental composition of deep pelagic crustaceans and fish...
The dataset contains energy density values and concentrations in 19 elements analysed in whole bodies of 15 meso- to bathypelagic species sampled in the twilight zone (deep... -
(Table 2) Mercury concentrations and isotopic compositions in sediments of la...
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(Table S1) Mercury concentration and isotopic compositions of surface waters ...
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(Table 1) Mercury concentration and isotopic compositions in lake and stream ...
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(Table 7) Major and trace element concentrations in water samples obtained at...
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(Table 6) Major and trace element concentrations in water samples obtained fr...
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Organic Matter proxies across the Romaine river watershed to coast, North Sho...
This dataset provides geochemical measurements for sediments and particulates in water across a land to sea gradient in the Romaine River Watershed, Quebec. Specifically, δ13C... -
Geochemistry and grain size composition of surface sediment samples IOW205000...
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