(Table S3) Mg/Ca, Fe/Ca and Mn/Ca ratios, and stable isotope ratios of Cibici...
DEPTH, sediment [m] is given in rmcd. AGE [ka BP] follows the LR04 timescale (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005, doi:10.1029/2004PA001071). 18 samples have Mg/Ca <0.8 mmol/mol of... -
(Table S2) Mg/Ca, Fe/Ca and Mn/Ca ratios of ODP Site 181-1123 samples
DEPTH, sediment [m] is given in rmcd. AGE [ka BP] follows the LR04 timescale (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005, doi:10.1029/2004PA001071). 21 pairs of duplicates from Table S1, of which... -
(Table S1) Mg/Ca ratios and stable oxygen and carbon isotope ratios of Uviger...
DEPTH, sediment [m] is given in mbsf. AGE [ka BP] follows the LR04 timescale (Lisiecki and Raymo, 2005, doi:10.1029/2004PA001071). -
(Table S3) Stable carbon and oxygen isotope record of Globigerina bulloides f...
Sediment depth is given in rmcd. -
(Table S2) Composite natural gamma reford for ODP Site 181-1119
Sediment depth is given in rmcd. Composite natural gamma record which comprises MST values transmuted to the downhole measurement scale for depths at and above 107.06 rmcd (0.43... -
(Table S1) Control points for the age model of ODP Site 181-1119
Sediment depth is given in mbsf. Age model generated by mapping from the tuned deuterium isotope record from Vostok (back to MIS 9.3; 0.35 Ma) (Shackleton, 2000) and the tuned... -
(Table 1) Age determination of Pleistocene tephra of ODP Leg 181 sites
Site 181-1123 astronomically tuned age, Site 181-1124 graphically correlated age. -
(Table A2) Major element glass compositions of unnamed tephra layers correlat...
The microprobe was operating at 15kV, beam current at 10nA, beam focus and in scanning mode. All elements calculated on a water-free basis, with H2O by difference from 100%.... -
(Table A1) Major element glass compositions of key Pleistocene tephra layers ...
The microprobe was operating at 15kV, beam current at 10nA, beam focus and in scanning mode. All elements calculated on a water-free basis, with H2O by difference from 100%.... -
(Appendix 1) Census data of planktic foraminiferal faunas together with estim...
Depth is composite depth (mcd), age after the Lisiecki and Ramyo (2005) stack (datasets: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.704257). ODP 1125 data consists of 167 census counts compiled for... -
(Appendix 1) Census data of planktic foraminiferal faunas together with estim...
Depth is composite depth (mcd), age after the Lisiecki and Ramyo (2005) stack (datasets: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.704257). ODP 1123 data consists of 488 census counts from a ~40 m... -
(Appendix 1) Census data of planktic foraminiferal faunas together with estim...
Depth is composite depth (mcd), age after the Lisiecki and Ramyo (2005) stack (datasets: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.704257). ODP 1119 data consists of 152 census counts from a 234 m... -
(Table 1) Pliocene foraminifera and their placement in MAT taxonomic categori...
Species concepts followed are those of Kennett and Srinivasan (1983) and Scott et al. (1990). -
(Table 2) Pliocene mean SST for warm intervals during warm and cold seasons i...
This dataset has no description
(Table 1) Ages of hiatuses of ODP Site 181-1124
Depth = mcd, based on Carter et al. 1999 (doi:10.2973/odp.proc.ir.181.2000) -
(Table 2) Age datums of ODP Site 181-1124
The youngest two datums were determined through biostratigraphy while the remaining datums are magnetostratigraphic. Depths are provided in meters composite depth (mcd; Carter... -
(Table 7) Age spans and sedimentation rates for ODP Hole 181-1121B
Based on Model 1 of Table 5 dataset: doi:10.1594/PANGAEA.727193 -
(Table 6) XRD analysis of residues after acid leaching of ODP Hole 181-1121B ...
A=abundant (>60%); C=common (20-60%); M=minor (5-20%); T=trace (<5%), nd=not detected -
(Table 5) Model 10Be/9Be ages of ODP Hole 181-1121B sediments
This dataset has no description
(Table 3) 10Be/9Be ages of ferromanganese nodules from ODP Hole 181-1121B
DEPTH, sediment=Depth in core (mbsf)