Monthly precipitation during 1979-2016 at Spasskaya Pad in northeastern Siberia
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Mean monthly air temperatures during 1979-2016 at Spasskaya Pad in northeaste...
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Ready-to-use version of the Eurasian Modern Pollen Database version 2, with 8...
Version 2 of the Eurasian modern pollen database (EMPD2; Davis et al., 2020; Chevalier et al., 2019) can be used to help investigate many different (paleo-)environmental... -
Eurasian Modern Pollen Database (former European Modern Pollen Database)
The Eurasian Modern Pollen Database (EMPD) contains modern pollen data (raw counts) for the entire Eurasian continent. Derived from the European Modern Pollen Database, the... -
δ¹⁸O values of Holocene and modern ice‐wedge ice on the Chukotka Peninsula an...
Stable oxygen isotopes composition (δ¹⁸O) in modern syngenetic ice wedges (recent ice veinlets - i.e. modern ice veins formed during the last 60-100 years and penetrated into... -
Air temperature data from weather stations in Eastern Chukotka (for 1965–2015)
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δ¹⁸O in ice wedges of yedoma deposits and Late Pleistocene paleotemperatures ...
δ¹⁸O in ice wedges of yedoma deposits in Chukchi Peninsula and Late Pleistocene paleotemperatures, 38–12 Kyr BP.Winter mean (twint.mean) and January (tJ) air temperature means... -
δ¹⁸O in present growing syngenetic ice wedges in southern Chukchi Peninsula
Winter mean (twint.mean) and January (tJ) air temperature means for the Southern Chukchi Peninsula were inferred by comparing the oxygen isotope composition of present growing... -
Mean January air paleotemperatures and present values from different sites in...
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δ¹⁸O and average temperatures in Late Pleistocene and present-day syngenetic ...
The δ¹⁸O values in Late Pleistocene and present-days syngenetic ice wedges of Kular and surrounding yedpomas of Northern Yakutia and present day and reconstructed temperatures.... -
Plant diversity in sedimentary DNA obtained from high-latitude (Siberia) and ...
Compilation of environmental data for the 262 investigated localities, which include additional intra-lake localities taken within three large lakes namely: 16-KP-01-L02 (9... -
Average January (tmJ) paleotemperature of north-west Yakutia
Reconstructions of mean January temperatures (Tmean Jan., oC) were carried out by comparing the isotope composition of modern ice veinlets (δ18Oiv) and mean January temperatures... -
δ18O values in recent ice veinlets and mean January air temperature in the Ko...
Oxygen isotope measurements of most of the ice wedges studied were carried out using a G-50 device in the isotope geology laboratory at the Institute of Geology, Tallinn,... -
Mean January air temperatures in Siberian permafrost at 20−18 ka BP and compa...
Palaeotemperature reconstruction for the period of 20−18 ka BP in Siberia is based on δ¹⁸O analysis and ¹⁴C dating of large syngenetic ice wedges of yedoma exposures from Yamal... -
Oxygen isotopic composition (δ¹⁸O) of modern veinlets and snow and surface ai...
δ¹⁸О values and winter air temperatures from the Ambarchik creek and Pokhodsk in the north to the Omolon River mouth and Kolymsky village in the south of the region are... -
Bioclimate data for the surface transect from the New Mongolian-Siberian Data...
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Precipitation pollen-based climate reconstruction of a sediment core from Lak...
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δ¹⁸O of recent syngenetic ice wedges and temperature parameters around the Ya...
δ18O values for samples of recent syngenetic ice wedges and temperature parameters for Yamal Peninsula and adjacent regions and Russian Arctic Islands (from Vasil'chuk &... -
Paleoreconstructions based on stable oxygen isotopes (δ¹⁸Oiw) in islands of R...
Paleoreconstructions based on δ¹⁸Oiw data for Late Pleistocene and Holocene syngenetic ice wedges in islands of Russian East Arctic, modified and complemented after Vasil'chuk... -
Stable oxygen isotopes composition (δ¹⁸O) in modern syngenetic ice wedges (re...
Stable isotopes of Kotelny Island were measured at the Isotope Laboratory of the Faculty of Geography of Moscow University. The analysis was performed on a Finnigan Delta-V...