In Situ Measurement of the Spin Seebeck Effect
The spin Seebeck effect is a newly discovered phenomenon that if harnessed, could result in a significant improvement of the efficiency of thermoelectric energy generators. Spin... -
Graphite Oxide Intercalation: Tailoring Adsorbate Geometry
The search for new porous materials is increasingly driven by a socio-economic pressure to diversify our energy supply and minimize environmental impact. Carbon-based... -
Measurement of Stress Evolution during In-situ Heat Treatment of Dissimilar W...
This study aims to quantify the effect of post-weld heat treatment on residual stress in dissimar weld joints and to improve the avoidance of the in-service failure of weld... -
Copy of: Copy of: Dynammical studies of hydrogen sorption on pure and Pd coat...
Zinc Oxide (ZnO) is a wide band gap semiconductor that has a number of interesting applications especially its optoelectronic (blue and near UV light emitting properties, as a... -
Production mechanism of polymersomes
In the field of cancer research, radionuclide therapy is proven to be one of the only viable alternatives to chemotherapy in the case of metastasized cancer. In this context,... -
Measurements of Residual Stress Relaxation During InSitu Post-Weld Heat Treat...
Welding residual stresses have important consequences on the performance of engineering components. However, residual stress often remains the single largest unknown in... -
Investigation into the Effect of Heating Rates on Recrystallisation Mechanism...
Electrical steels (ES) used in motors and transformers. The major challenge is to optimise the magnetic property of ES to reduce energy waste during service. The... -
Assembly of supramolecular nanotubes into tubisome structures from self-assem...
Cyclic peptide-polymer conjugates can readily self-assembly into long nanotubes, and are being extensively studied for biomedical applications. Recently, we have conjugated a... -
In-situ Specific Heat Measurements and Order Disorder Phase Transition Studie...
We request 4 days on HRPD to perform combined specific heat and neutron powder diffraction measurements of C60 and the molecular hydrogen storage materials, ammonia borane and... -
In Situ Measurement of the Spin Seebeck Effect in Multilayers
The spin Seebeck effect is a newly discovered phenomenon that if harnessed, could result in a significant improvement of the efficiency of thermoelectric energy generators. Spin... -
Residual stress distributions and stress relaxation due to Post Weld Heat Tre...
UK power plants are following the worldwide trends in the power generating industry, in line with demands for increases in the efficiency of existing power plants and for...