Upplevda förändringar i handlingsfriheter under COVID-19 pandemin: En svensk ...
Covid-19 has affected people in various ways, directly through disease and death, and indirectly through disease containment measures. Understanding how the pandemic and... -
Physiological Equivalent Temperature (PET) och Wet Bulb Globe Temperature (WB...
Aim: To identify the thermal index that best predicts exertional heat incidence risk during a city half-marathon. Data: Eight years (2010-2017) of meteorological and ambulance... -
Antibiotikaanvändning på små och medelstora grisgårdar - grishållares kunskap...
The data was collected in October to December 2018 through structured interviews with farmers on small- and medium-sized pig farms in Khon Kaen province in northeastern... -
Risky sexual behaviour, alcohol use, self-esteem and exposure to sexual and p...
Aim: The aim was to investigate risky sexual behavior, alcohol use, self-esteem and exposure to sexual and physical violence among students who intended to spend a semester... -
SOM-undersökningen om coronaviruset 2020
In order to identify how the evolution of society affects Swedes’ attitudes and behaviour, the SOM Institute started its National SOM study in 1986. National SOM addresses three... -
Capability ranking among health care related researchers and students at 5 Sw...
The capability approach by Amartya Sen (Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 1998) measures quality of life in terms of capabilities; i.e.... -
PROTECT - Individuella intervjuer med deltagare i interventionsgruppen - PROT...
The data material contains transcripts of twelve individual interviews with participants who have participated in a person-centred e-health intervention containing telephone... -
Journalisternas frågor under Folkhälsomyndighetens presskonferenser under cor...
This dataset contains questions/turn-takings asked by journalists during the Public Health Agency of Sweden's press conferences during the corona pandemic throughout 2020, as... -
Screening Across the Lifespan Twin Study (SALT)
The SALT study was initiated in 1998 and is a sub-study of the Swedish Twin Registry (STR) where a complete screening of all twins born 1958 or earlier were included (n=44 919).... -
Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe-Sweden (SHARE-Sweden)
SHARE (Survey of Health Ageing and Retirement in Europe) is a multidisciplinary, cross-national and longitudinal survey measuring how health, economic and social living... -
Svenska mammografikohorten kliniska subkohorter (SMC kliniska subkohorter) - ...
A clinical examination of a subgroup of women in the Swedish mammography cohort living in Uppsala was conducted between 2003 and 2009. The cycle of re-examination for this group... -
Svenska mammografikohorten kliniska subkohorter (SMC kliniska subkohorter) - ...
A clinical examination of a subgroup of women in the Swedish mammography cohort living in Uppsala was conducted between 2003 and 2009. The cycle of re-examination for this group... -
Svenska mammografikohorten kliniska subkohorter (SMC kliniska subkohorter) - ...
A clinical examination of a subgroup of women in the Swedish mammography cohort living in Uppsala was conducted between 2003 and 2009. The cycle of re-examination for this group... -
Kohorten av svenska män kliniska subkohorter (COSM kliniska subkohorter) - CO...
A clinical examination of a subgroup of men in the Cohort of Swedish Men living in Västerås and Örebro between 2010 and 2019. A re-examination is planned, but is pending... -
Kohorten av svenska män kliniska subkohorter (COSM kliniska subkohorter) - CO...
A clinical examination of a subgroup of men in the Cohort of Swedish Men living in Västerås and Örebro between 2010 and 2019. A re-examination is planned, but is pending... -
CoP and vection variables for 19 subjects with varying visual field and ampli...
This repository contains data from a study to investigate possible effects of vection on postural control. The data contain two variables (anterior-posterior displacement and... -
Fall-, rese-, socioekonomisk och meterologisk data för att analysera socioeko...
Collection of socio-economic and meteorological indicators as well as travel patterns and cases of H1N1 during the swine flu pandemic in Sweden in 2009. Comprise the... -
17 individuella djup-intervjuer med obstetriker och gynekologer om deras besl...
Anonymised transcripts of interviews conducted from Oct. 2018 to Feb. 2020. All interviews were carried out in a co-creative narrative form (i.e., interviews were constructed... -
Delaktighet för barn och unga med cerebral pares i Uganda: aktivitetsnärvaro ...
AIM: To compare participation attendance and involvement of children and youth (C&Y) with and without cerebral palsy (CP) in a low-income area of eastern Uganda. METHOD:... -
Tillgång till tjänster och läkemedel, samt praktik och kunskap relaterad till...
To mitigate the development of antimicrobial resistance (AMR), antibiotic use (ABU) in the livestock sector needs to be reduced. In low- and middle-income countries, regulations...