Energy-loss reconstructions of rabbit RyR1 reconstructed by REEL analysis
Dataset of electron energy-loss reconstructions which were created by REEL analysis. Maps are labelled by energy-loss in eV. They cover the range from -7.5 eV to 729.75 eV in... -
Crystallographic analysis and electron microscopy characterization of Cu7Te4 ...
This dataset contains crystallographic and microscopic characterization data of Cu7Te4 single crystalline nanorods, that are self-standing on a Pt substrate. The two-step... -
Visualizing morphological principles for efficient photocurrent generation in...
Research Data associated with the related publication. The raw data was processed with software in https://doi.org/10.11588/data/LMMXAI/GQG1PD. -
Electron energy loss spectroscopy of bulk gold with ultrasoft pseudopotential...
The implementation of ultrasoft pseudopotentials into time-dependent density-functional perturbation theory is detailed for both the Sternheimer approach and the...