Pollen profile GOSCI187, Lake Gosciaz, Polen
The EPD (http://www.europeanpollendatabase.net) accepted species name is given in the parameter comment. This dataset was archived on 2010-05-11 from the EPD database. -
Pollen counts of sediment core CON01-603-5 from Lake Baikal (Posolskoe site)
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Pollen, non-pollen palynomorphs record from sediment core Razdolye, Kursk reg...
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Pollen analysis from the study site Omelchenki, Kharkiv region, Ukraine
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Pollen counts of sediment core UDD-E from Lake Uddelermeer (The Netherlands) ...
Pollen classification as used by Engels et al. (2016, doi:doi:10.1177/0959683616632890) is provided:TS = Trees and ShrubsHea = Heathland taxaHI = Upland herbaceous taxaSP =... -
Relative abundance of pollen counts from sediment core Zamostye, Kursk region...
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Absolute abundance of pollen counts from sediment core Zamostye, Kursk region...
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Raw pollen counts from peat core R1.00 of the Rybojady mire in western Poland
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Raw pollen counts from sediment core KBS 2 of lake Jezioro Skorupiaki in west...
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Raw pollen counts from the combined sediment core (Wus 1, Wus 3) of lake Jezi...
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Pollen and non-pollen palynomorph counts above and below tephra layer V-237, ...
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Pollen and spores record of peat profile Kienberger Rinne AKR
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Pollen record of Kongor Lake sediments
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Pollen profile of sediments from Lac Superieur de Fully, Switzerland
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(Table 3) Pollen profile from sediment core Voulkaria_1966
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Pollen profile Kappel_E_W, Bad Buchau-Kappel, Baden-Wuertemberg, Germany
analysis: A. Kleinmann 2008 -
Pollen profile Kappel_SE_154/121, Bad Buchau-Kappel, Baden-Wuertemberg, Germany
analysis: A. Kleinmann 2008 -
Pollen profile from sediment core Saltarino sotto
Pollen preservation poor in the uppermost peat layers. -
Pollen profile from sediment core Saltarino sopra
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Pollen profile from sediment core Fiavè
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