Geophysical measurements of sediment core AND-2A
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Biomass parameters and elemental composition of the non-indigenous hydromedus...
The freshwater hydrozoan Craspedacusta sowerbii has invaded exotic habitats around the world. This data set contains information on the water and organic content, as well as... -
Above-ground woody biomass and crown data for environmental plantings in Vict...
This dataset stores measurements from two field campaigns in 20 environmental plantings aged 4–35 years old in Australia where stem diameters, crown radii, and heights of... -
Cytotype-level responses and of Spartina plants to drought and elevated atmos...
Global change factors, such as drought and elevated atmospheric CO₂ levels, can have strong impacts on plant performance and evolutionary development. We investigated responses... -
Seawater carbonate chemistry and respiration and growth rates of F0 and F1 la...
European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) is a large, economically important fish species with a long generation time whose long-term resilience to ocean acidification (OA) and... -
Swim bladder measurements of Cyclothone species from the BATHYPELAGIC cruise ...
This dataset contains the values of swim bladder length, height, width, angle, volume, equivalent spherical radius and aspect ratio in Cyclothone spp. measured during the... -
Standard length, dry weight and swim bladder percentage gas of Cyclothone spe...
This dataset contains the values of standard length, dry weight and percentage of gas in Cyclothone spp. swim bladder collected during the Bathypelagic cruise (from 24th May to... -
Body mass-density of Cyclothone species from the SUMMER cruise in Northeast A...
This dataset contains the values of standard length, wet weight, and body mass-density of Cyclothone spp. measured during the SUMMER cruise (from 30th September to 18th October... -
Porosity measurements of the cation exchange capacity (CEC) laboratory experi...
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Polyp size and sex of Dendrophyllia ramea specimens from the Alboran Sea, Wes...
This data set contains information on polyp size and sex: biometric data of polyps from Dendrophyllia ramea, as well as the sex of each analysed polyp. A total of three polyps... -
Density, Porosity, Gamma ray of station CIROS-1
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Growth rates of F0 and F1 larval and juvenile European seabass Dicentrarchus ...
Ongoing climate change is leading to warmer and more acidic oceans. The future distribution of fish within the oceans depends on their capacity to adapt to these new... -
Oxygen consumption of F0 and F1 larval and juvenile European seabass Dicentra...
Ongoing climate change is leading to warmer and more acidic oceans. The future distribution of fish within the oceans depends on their capacity to adapt to these new... -
Results of calcein staining with three different concentrations and immersion...
Chemical dyes, such as Calcein, can be used to create incremental markings for measuring bivalve growth in shell cross-sections. For the European Oyster Ostrea edulis, potential... -
Wireline logging data from Hole FDB-1 penetrated throughof the Futagawa fault...
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Morphology of larval northern leopard frogs (Rana pipiens) on last day of chr...
We investigated the influence of exposure to chronic salinity (NaCl) and mifepristone (a glucocorticoid antagonist) for 24 d on wet mass (g), dry mass (g; following freeze... -
Survival and mean corticosterone release rates of larval northern leopard fro...
We investigated the influence of corticosterone release rates on survival of larval Northern Leopard Frogs (Rana pipiens) chronically exposed to four different concentrations of... -
Morphology and corticosterone release rates of larval northern leopard frogs ...
We investigated the influence of exposure to chronic salinity (NaCl) and mifepristone (a glucocorticoid antagonist) for 24 d on corticosterone release rates (baseline,... -
Growth measurements from corals in an ocean-based nursery experiment near Sam...
This dataset contains growth measurements of corals in ocean-based nurseries. The data derives from coral growth experiments based near Sambangan Island, Indonesia, conducted... -
Temperature and photoperiod effects on sex determination in Leuresthes tenuis...
In some gonochoristic species, sex is influenced not only by genotype at conception but also by the environment that offspring experience during early ontogeny (termed...