Facies log of profile Led3 from Taymyr Peninsula
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Facies log of profile Led1c from Taymyr Peninsula
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Facies log of profile Led1b from Taymyr Peninsula
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(Table T3) Structural and magnetic properties of basement subunit 1B from ODP...
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Average dip directions from intervals of dipmeter log in drill hole CRP-2A
Bedding dips in the CRP-2A drillhole were determined in two ways (1) analysis of a dipmeter log, and (2) identification of bed boundaries on digital images of the outer core... -
(Table 3 BHTV) Interval-mean bedding directions based on borehole televiewer ...
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(Table 3 core) Interval-mean bedding directions based on core-scan data of co...
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(Table 2) Interval-mean bedding directions based on dipmeter analyses of sedi...
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Magnetostratigraphic data of the Baimasi section from the Eocene Xining Basin...
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(Table 3) Sediment accumulation rate characteristics at DSDP Leg 78A Holes
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(Table 2) Structural core descriptions from the bottom of ODP Hole 152-917A
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Facies description of sediment core Sula12_60m
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Facies log description of profiles from Pechora River at Hongurei locality
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(Table 1) Description of structures in cores at DSDP Holes 59-451, 59-448A an...
Fifteen lengths of Leg 59 cores (primarily from Hole 451 as well as from Holes 447A and 448A) exhibiting macroscopic faults were selected by Dr. R. B. Scott (Co-Chief Scientist,... -
(Table T1) Orientation estimates for oxide-bearing lithologies of ODP Hole 17...
During a lull in hammer drill testing during Ocean Drilling Program Leg 179, Hole 1105A was cored to 158 mbsf on the Southwest Indian Ridge within ~1.3 km of Hole 735B. This... -
(Table T1) Natural structures measured at ODP Hole 206-1256D with respect to ...
Brittle structures (open fractures and veins) from basaltic oceanic crust drilled at Ocean Drilling Program (ODP) Site 1256 (Guatemala Basin, Pacific Ocean) during Leg 206 were... -
Facies log of profile Yanemdei-9
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Facies log of profile Rodionovo_50m
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Facies log of profile Fion
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Facies log of profile Ileimusyur
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