Slow magnetic fluctuations and superconductivity in CeRhIn5 at ambient pressu...
CeRhIn5 is an antiferromagnetic itinerant magnet which illustrates a temperature and pressure interplay between antiferromagnetism and superconductivity. Recently, it has been... -
Quantum and thermal critical scaling in XY-dipolar antiferromagnet LiErF4
We have established the material LiErF4 as a dipolar antiferromagnet with planar anisotropy, exhibiting both classical and quantum phase transitions. Where, thermal transition... -
Inelastic neutron scattering study of the field dependent anisotropy of the s...
The bilayer ruthenate Sr3Ru2O7 is the first material found to have a quantum critical end-point and is believed to display ¿nematic electronic order¿. We have previously studied...