‘Sharing in need’: How allocator and recipient’s hunger shape food distributi...
Lotte van Dillen, Gert-Jan Lelieveld, Wilhelm Hofmann, Erik W. de Kwaadsteniet (2021). Journal of Experimental Social Psychology. -
Aesthetics and logistics in urban parks; can moving waste receptacles to park...
Niels J. Van Doesum, Arianne J. van der Wal, Christine Boomsma, Henk Staats (2021). Journal of Environmental Psychology. -
Social media use and the not-so-imaginary audience: Behavioral and neural mec...
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Attractiveness modulates attention, but does not enhance gaze cueing
Tom S. Roth, Xuejing Du, Iliana Samara, & Mariska E. Kret (2021) Evolutionary Behavorial Sciences -
Friendship stability in adolescence is associated with ventral striatum respo...
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The nature of the self: Neural analyses and heritability estimates of self-ev...
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Temporal expectation hastens decision onset but does not affect evidence quality
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Gender bias in the allocation of student grants
Marjolijn N. Wijnen, Jorg J. M. Massen, & Mariska E. Kret (2021) Scientometrics -
Changes in BOLD variability are linked to the development of variable respons...
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Interpreting emotions from women with covered faces: A comparison between a m...
Mariska E. Kret, Angela T. Maitner, & Agneta H. Fischer (2021) Frontiers in Psychology -
The role of perceived value of entrepreneurial identity in growth motivation
Bramesada Prasastyoga, Fieke Harinck and Esther van Leeuwen (2021). Entrepreneurial identity in growth motivation. -
When Helping is Risky: The Behavioral and Neurobiological Tradeoff of Social ...
Jörg Gross, Nadira S. Faber, Andreas Kappes, Anne-Marie Nussberger, Philip J Cowen, Michael Browning, Guy Kahane, Julian Savulescu, Molly J. Crockett, & Carsten K.W. De Dreu... -
Standardized and reproducible measurement of decision-making in mice
The International Brain Laboratory et al. (2021) eLife For correspondence: info+behavior@internationalbrainlab.org -
The role of emotion projection, sexual desire, and self-rated attractiveness ...
Samara, I., Roth, T., & Kret, M.E. (2021) Archives of Sexual Behavior -
Large cognitive fluctuations surrounding sleep in daily living
Reto Huber and Arko Ghosh (2021) iScience -
Multimodal mate choice: exploring the effects of sight, sound, and scent on p...
T.S. Roth, I. Samara, & M.E. Kret (2021) Evolution & Human Behavior -
Sjoerd Goslinga, Janneke de Jonge, Maarten Siglé, Lisette van der Hel-Van Dijk (2021). Journal of Tax Administration. -
Reading your emotions in my physiology? Reliable emotion interpretations in a...
Julia Folz, Donatella Fiacchino, Milica Nikolic, Henk van Steenbergen, & Mariska E. Kret (2021) Affective Science