Social accountability for safe and sustainable domestic water provision in Ta...
This is baseline survey on access to water for domestic use and social accountability in four districts of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania’s largest city, and Morogoro, a provincial... -
CoastalRes: Coastal Resilience Model Prototype, 2019-2020
The prototype Coastal Resilience Model (CRM) quantifies the economic, environmental and social dimensions of resilience with reference to a suite of performance measures that... -
Household water and welfare survey in Kitui County, Kenya 2018
This data was collected through a survey of households in one subcounty of Kitui County Kenya with questions relating to water supply, welfare and living conditions. The survey... -
Smart Shrinkage Solutions: Fostering Resilient Cities in Inner Peripheries of...
The 3S RECIPE data collection provides the research and policy audience with clear, tried, and tested city examples of how to 1) tackle the key socio-economic causes of urban... -
Designing for Ageing and Dementia International Research Network, 2019-2020
The data consists of outputs from the network activity which describe the project and summarise the lessons learned. Please check related resources.The network focused on... -
REACH Khulna Household Survey, 2018
The REACH Khulna Household Survey was conducted between December 2017 and February 2018 to collect quantitative data on various indicators of multidimensional poverty, the state... -
Resilient Mangrove Systems: Questionnaires, Participatory GIS, and Focus Grou...
These data were generated in two mangrove socio-ecological systems in the north and south of the Red River Delta with different environmental and socio-economic histories. The... -
Urban Education Live, 2017-2021
UEL:Sheffield team examined how communities might improve their neighbourhoods through collaborations with their local universities, with a specific focus on collaborations... -
Watigueleya Kèlê Socio-Economic and Climate Resilience Survey in Marginalised...
This data collection was produced based on a household and an individual survey of socio-economic status and climate resilience in ten villages of Guinea, Mali and Senegal... -
Water-security in Ethiopia and the Emotional Response of Pastoralists, 2018
The Joint Monitoring Project of the World Health Organisation and UNICEF have been monitoring access to improved water supplies since the start of the Millennium Development... -
Displaced Populations Escaping Descent-Based Slavery in Mali, 2020
This data collection was produced based on an individual survey conducted by the SlaFMig project team with displaced populations escaping descent-based slavery in Western Mali... -
Welfare Conditionality Dataset, 2015-2017
The project undertook fieldwork with three sets of respondents: semi-structured interviews with 52 key informants/policy stakeholders (not included in archive for anonymity... -
A new attribute-linked residential property price dataset for England and Wal...
Land Registry Price Paid Data (PPD) have been published as open data since 2013. These data have been transformative for house price variation research in the UK as they are a... -
Classroom Survey on Dividing a Real Estate Asset, 2018
This data is a summary of classroom surveys conducted in the UK, Netherlands and Norway. Participants were presented with an experiment from game theory where a real estate... -
Baseline and Endline Household Surveys Conducted in 'Treatment' Villages and ...
The data-sets downloadable are the baseline and endline household surveys conducted in 'treatment' villages and 'control' villages in Nimba County, Liberia, to assess the... -
Changing Socio-spatial Inequalities: Population Change and the Lived Experien...
The data deposited include: 1. South Africa wards on consistent spatial boundaries for 2001 and 2011 with Index of Multiple deprivation and domain scores (ArcGIS TM shapefile... -
Spatial Planning and the Future of Public Service Professional Labour: Focus ...
The Working in the Public Interest Project sought to understand shifts in the UK planning profession. A core strand of the project was to develop an understanding of the... -
Inner London Dwelling Dimensions Dataset, 2017-2018
This is the dwelling dimensions dataset referred to in Özer, Seyithan, 'Interior Complex: Design Standardization in London's Housing', PhD diss., Royal College of Art, 2021. The... -
Food Demand Scenarios in 70 World Regions, 2010-2060
This dataset contains food demand and food demand projections by 19 different types in physical tonne for 70 world regions. The scenarios were produced using the intergrated... -
House Price per Square Metre in England and Wales, 1995-2021
This house price per square metre dataset was created on 1/4/2021 and is based on the LR PPD, Domestic EPCs and NSPL downloaded on the same day. It covers over 18 million...