Chemical composition of glauconite and montmorillonite group minerals from sediments and rocks of the Norwegian Sea


Two quadrupole splitting doublets with delta E_q = 0.74 and 1.62 mm/s were found in the montmorillonite spectra. The more intense doublet corresponds to iron in a somewhat distorted tetrahedral coordination, while the less intense corresponds to quadri-coordinated iron. The EPR spectrum also exhibits two lines with a q-factor of 3 and 4.3, which corresponds to transformed minerals.

Supplement to: Grechishkin, V S; Zangalis, K P; Murin, I V; Emelyanov, Emelyan M; Sivkov, Vadim P; Kharin, Gennady S (1979): Nuclear gamma resonance and electronic paramagnetic resonance spectra of minerals of the glauconite and montmorillonite groups. Oceanology, 19(3), 290-293

Metadata Access
Creator Grechishkin, V S; Zangalis, K P; Murin, I V; Emelyanov, Emelyan M; Sivkov, Vadim P ORCID logo; Kharin, Gennady S
Publisher PANGAEA
Publication Year 1979
Rights Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Supplementary Dataset; Dataset
Format text/tab-separated-values
Size 55 data points
Discipline Chemistry; Natural Sciences
Spatial Coverage (-7.788W, 63.351S, 5.388E, 71.083N); North Atlantic/Norwegian Sea; North Atlantic/Norwegian Sea/PLATEAU; Norwegian Sea
Temporal Coverage Begin 1974-08-07T00:00:00Z
Temporal Coverage End 1974-08-14T00:00:00Z