Teacher and the 'middle' school ( Dutch experimental comprehensive school ) 1977

Getting insight into the opinion of teachers at secondary schools about the "middenschool": integrated education for pupils aged 12-16. Career as a teacher / how was r. informed about "middenschool" / consequences of relations and, or differences between talents / motivation / achievements, social class and level / quality and differentiation in teaching / different ways of integrated education / contents of education / importance of different subjects / necessity of vocational subjects / extension of school age / preferred way of teaching and organization of school / who should decide about school system / goals of school education / task of teacher / methods of teaching / psychology of pupils / relation to teacher. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment/ social class

DOI https://doi.org/10.17026/dans-z5j-jahy
PID https://nbn-resolving.org/urn:nbn:nl:ui:13-8he-1vx
Metadata Access https://easy.dans.knaw.nl/oai?verb=GetRecord&metadataPrefix=oai_datacite&identifier=oai:easy.dans.knaw.nl:easy-dataset:33288
Creator Moor, R.A. de, Heunks, F.J., Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg * Tilburg (primary investigator)
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Ssw, katholieke hogeschool tilburg * Tilburg (research initiator); SSW, Katholieke Hogeschool Tilburg Moor, R. A. de Heunks, F. (data collector)
Publication Year 1982
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; DANS License; https://dans.knaw.nl/en/about/organisation-and-policy/legal-information/DANSLicence.pdf
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Other
Spatial Coverage Netherlands