We present new Near-Infrared photometry of Type II Cepheids in the Bulge from the VISTA Variables in the Via Lactea survey (VVV) (Minniti et al., 2010NewA...15..433M; Saito et al., 2012A&A...537A.107S, Cat. II/337. We provide the largest sample (894 stars) of T2Cs with JHKs observations that have accurate periods from the OGLE catalog (Soszynski et al., 2017, Cat. J/AcA/67/297). Our analysis makes use of the Ks-band time-series observations to estimate mean-magnitudes and individual distances by means of the Period-Luminosity PL relation. To constrain the kinematic properties of our targets, we complement our analysis with proper motions based on both the VVV and Gaia Data Release 2.
Cone search capability for table J/A+A/619/A51/catalog (Photometric properties (table 1), extinction, distances, and Cartesian coordinates (table 2) and proper motions and velocities (table 3) of target T2Cs)