SN IIn catalog with Fermi LAT


Supernovae (SNe) exploding in a dense circumstellar medium (CSM) are hypothesized to accelerate cosmic rays in collisionless shocks and emit GeV {gamma}-rays and TeV neutrinos on a timescale of several months. We perform the first systematic search for {gamma}-ray emission in Fermi Large Area Telescope data in the energy range from 100MeV to 300GeV from the ensemble of 147 SNe Type IIn exploding in a dense CSM. We search for a {gamma}-ray excess at each SNe location in a one-year time window. In order to enhance a possible weak signal, we simultaneously study the closest and optically brightest sources of our sample in a joint-likelihood analysis in three different time windows (1 year, 6 months, and 3 months). For the most promising source of the sample, SN 2010jl (PTF 10aaxf), we repeat the analysis with an extended time window lasting 4.5 years. We do not find a significant excess in {gamma}-rays for any individual source nor for the combined sources and provide model-independent flux upper limits for both cases. In addition, we derive limits on the {gamma}-ray luminosity and the ratio of {gamma}-ray-to-optical luminosity ratio as a function of the index of the proton injection spectrum assuming a generic {gamma}-ray production model. Furthermore, we present detailed flux predictions based on multi-wavelength observations and the corresponding flux upper limit at a 95% confidence level (CL) for the source SN 2010jl (PTF 10aaxf).

Cone search capability for table J/ApJ/807/169/sncat (All supernovae included in this analysis)

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Creator Ackermann M.; Arcavi I.; Baldini L.; Ballet J.; Barbiellini G.,Bastieri D.; Bellazzini R.; Bissaldi E.; Blandford R.D.; Bonino R.,Bottacini E.; Brandt T.J.; Bregeon J.; Bruel P.; Buehler R.; Buson S.,Caliandro G.A.; Cameron R.A.; Caragiulo M.; Caraveo P.A.; Cavazzuti E.,Cecchi C.; Charles E.; Chekhtman A.; Chiang J.; Chiaro G.; Ciprini S.,Claus R.; Cohen-Tanugi J.; Cutini S.; D'Ammando F.; de Angelis A.,de Palma F.; Desiante R.; Di Venere L.; Drell P.S.; Favuzzi C.; Fegan S.J.,Franckowiak A.; Funk S.; Fusco P.; Gal-Yam A.; Gargano F.; Gasparrini D.,Giglietto N.; Giordano F.; Giroletti M.; Glanzman T.; Godfrey G.,Grenier I.A.; Grove J.E.; Guiriec S.; Harding A.K.; Hayashi K.,Hewitt J.W.; Hill A.B.; Horan D.; Jogler T.; Johannesson G.; Kocevski D.,Kuss M.; Larsson S.; Lashner J.; Latronico L.; Li J.; Li L.; Longo F.,Loparco F.; Lovellette M.N.; Lubrano P.; Malyshev D.; Mayer M.,Mazziotta M.N.; Mcenery J.E.; Michelson P.F.; Mizuno T.; Monzani M.E.,Morselli A.; Murase K.; Nugent P.; Nuss E.; Ofek E.; Ohsugi T.; Orienti M.,Orlando E.; Ormes J.F.; Paneque D.; Pesce-rollins M.; Piron F.; Pivato G.,Raino S.; Rando R.; Razzano M.; Reimer A.; Reimer O.; Schulz A.; Sgro C.,Siskind E.J.; Spada F.; Spandre G.; Spinelli P.; Suson D.J.; Takahashi H.,Thayer J.B.; Tibaldo L.; Torres D.F.; Troja E.; Vianello G.; Werner M.,Wood K.S.; Wood M.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2015
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Cosmology; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy