BV(RI)_C_H{alpha} photometry of NGC 663


We present new BV(RI)C_H{alpha} photometry of the young open cluster NGC 663. The H{alpha} photometry is complete down to magnitude R_C=15.4, corresponding to spectral type A5 for the cluster members. This allows detection of mild and strong H{alpha} emission in all B-type stars in the cluster. In addition to the 22 Be stars known in the observed field of NGC 663, we discovered four new faint stars of this type. We find that Be stars in NGC 663 cover the whole range of the B spectral type. They are, however, most populous among stars with spectral types falling in the range between B0 and B3, where their fraction amounts to 31+/-8%. Among B-type stars later than B3, Be stars are much less abundant: only 7 out of 101 observed stars, that is, 7+/-3%, were detected. About 70% of the observed Be stars in NGC 663 show detectable variations of light. In the time interval covered by our observations, the ranges of the largest variations reach 0.4mag in the I_C_ band. By means of the isochrone fitting, we derived the cluster distance of 2.1kpc, age of 20-25Myr, and the mean colour excess E(R-I)C=0.54mag, with a ~0.1mag scatter due to differential reddening.

Cone search capability for table J/A+A/376/144/table2 (BV(RI)c and H{alpha} photometry, coordinates and cross-identifications for observed stars)

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Metadata Access
Creator Pigulski A.; Kopacki G.; Kolaczkowski Z.
Publisher CDS
Publication Year 2002
OpenAccess true
Contact CDS support team <cds-question(at)>
Resource Type Dataset; AstroObjects
Discipline Astrophysics and Astronomy; Natural Sciences; Observational Astronomy; Physics; Stellar Astronomy