Benefit-harm analysis for informed decision making about participating in colorectal cancer screening

The aim of this research project was to help screening invitees make an informed decision about participating in colorectal cancer screening, by developing an online decision aid in which benefits and harms of screening are weighed based on personal risks and personal preferences. For this, we developed a benefit-harm analysis model, based on microsimulation data on the risks of benefits and harms over a 30-year screening period and based on preference data which we collected in an online survey among members of the Dutch Healthcare Consumer Panel of the Nivel. The files deposited here are the input data for the benefit-harm analysis (= output of the microsimulation), a codebook with brief labeling of the variables in the input dataset, the R script for the overall and the individual benefit-harm analysis, the benefit-harm analysis results over 10, 20 and 30 years screening, an input dataset for estimating individual benefit-harm balance based on data from the preference survey, and the individual benefit-harm analysis results.

Metadata Access
Creator Leeflang, M.M.G. ORCID logo
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Coupé, V.; Puhan, M; Yebyo, H; Pluymen, L.P.M.; Wifferen, F. van; Stegeman, I; Leeflang, M.M.G.; Dr. M.M.G. Leeflang (Amsterdam UMC)
Publication Year 2022
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Language English
Resource Type Collection
Discipline Life Sciences; Medicine