The Hamburg Quasar Survey is a wide-angle objective prism survey for finding bright QSOs in the northern extragalactic sky (|b|>20{deg}; {delta}>0{deg}). The taking of the prism plates for 567 fields covering this area was completed in 1997. Including direct plates for fields with {delta}> 20{deg} the plate archive contains now 1871 plates. In this paper we present a first list of 121 quasars, which were verified by slit spectroscopy in the years 1986-1991, while experiments to develop efficient selection techniques were made. The sample contains objects with brightnesses 15<=B<=19.5 and redshifts z<=2.8 collected over various parts of the sky, for which objective prism plates were available at that time.
Cone search capability for table J/A+AS/128/507/table2-4 (Names, coordinates, redshift, observing dates, B magnitudes and comments)