22 datasets found

Keywords: Temporal coverage 1965

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  • Getuigen Verhalen, Papua's in diaspora, interview 10

    Geïnterviewde no. 10 is geboren op Mapia. Hij vertelt hoe zijn vader door mitrailleurvuur om het leven is gekomen bij de invasie van de Japanners op Biak. Hij vlucht daarna met...
  • Getuigen Verhalen, Papua's in diaspora, interview 04

    Geïnterviewde no. 4 is geboren in kampong Tobati. Hij vertelt over zijn leven als kind en de scholen die hij heeft doorlopen. Hij vertelt over de onontplofte bommen uit de...
  • Interviewcollectie Stichting Mondelinge Geschiedenis Indonesië, interview 1590

    Dit interview bestaat uit twee gesprekken: 1590.1 en 1590.2. 1590.1 De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn achtergrond, hij groeide op te West-Java. Vervolgens schetst hij een beeld...
  • Getuigen Verhalen, Papua's in diaspora, interview 05

    De geïnterviewde vertelt over zijn leven als kind en over de adat. Hij maakt kennis met coöperaties. Hij volgt een opleiding tot bosopziener, en vertrekt naar Kota Radja om daar...
  • NIPO weekpeilingen 1965

    Data derived from weekly public opinion polls in the Netherlands in 1965 concerning social and political issues. Samples were drawn from the Dutch population aged 21 years and...
  • Aktebezit lager onderwijs 1965

    Census on school-teachers' certificates / type and denomination of school. Background variables: basic characteristics/ education
  • Huwelijk en gezin 1965

    Attitude towards engagement, marriage and family / premarital and extramarital sexual permissiveness / conventional family roles / conventional male, female roles / family...
  • Vrijetijdsbesteding in de provincie Groningen 1965

    Amount of leisure time on ordinary working day / satisfaction with it / spending of leisure time indoors and outdoors / working conditions and work environment / time-sharing of...
  • Correspondence course in bookkeeping 1965

    Motives for dropping out of the course / attitude to study / motivation to start the course / influence on decisions / study behaviour / attitude to the course / evaluation of...
  • Kultureel jeugdpaspoort enquête 1965

    Patterns of cultural interest of CJP-members. Use of youth passport / patterns of cultural interest. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/...
  • Onderzoek 'Steun Vrije Universiteit' 1965

    Religious attitude and behaviour / financial support, interest, attitude to Vrije Universiteit. Background variables: basic characteristics/ occupation/employment/ education/...
  • Landbouwtelling, arbeidskrachten 1965

    Agricultural census. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ occupation/employment
  • Studie en studie-omstandigheden studenten van de klassieke sectie 1965

    Study behaviour / opinions on study program / student organizational memberships. Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/ occupation/employment/...
  • Zuivel-image 1965

    Attitude towards dairy products / knowledge of advertising slogans / buying behaviour and patterns of use / opinion on prices / dairy products and health / acquaintance with...
  • Medicus, televisie, en gezondheidsvoorlichting 1965

    Gaining insight in the potential of tv as a medium for health information and education G.P.'s attitude to television / attitude to tv-course on health information and...
  • Studie en studie-omstandigheden studenten biologie 1965

    Study behaviour / results / opinions on study program ( teachers ) / student organizational memberships. Background variables: basic characteristics/ housing situation/...
  • Wereld handelsnetwerk 1965

    An inquiry into 'structural violence' between countries and the basis of 'dominance' in their trade relationships for each country / its 3 major export and import partners are...
  • Parochieclubs in Nieuw-west 1965

    Membership of roman-catholic organizations and clubs ( parochial clubs ) / motivations / needs / attitude. Background variables: basic characteristics/ residence/ household...
  • Ongehuwden 1965

    Problems of older unmarried people / social participation / work / satisfaction / organizational memberships / most desired patterns of contact / loneliness / anomy /...
  • Straftoemetingsonderzoek 'Barend' 1965

    Type and measure of punishment in 9 varieties of one crime by a man called "Barend". Background variables: occupation/employment
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