Dataset of perspectives of the world economy’s development after the COVID-19 crisis

The article reflects the possibilities of a dataset of the prospects for the development of the world economy after the COVID-19 crisis. The dataset has combined statistics on digital competitiveness, sustainable development and COVID-19 incidence for 63 countries of the world, including both developed and developing countries. The data are combined in a common table in an editable format and prepared for calculations with any level of automation. Thanks to this, the dataset is a convenient digital database for conducting a cross-country overview of trends and prospects for the development of the world economy in and after the COVID-19 crisis from the standpoint of sustainability (and stability) and accelerated digital growth. Basic statistics systematized and aggregated in a dataset can be used for various scientific research The growth obtained and presented in the dataset for all 63 countries of the sample is especially useful for scientific research on the 2020 crisis.Dataset overcomes the lack of data on the impact of the pandemic and the COVID-19 crisis on economic systems, filling this gap with accurate quantitative data on large a sample of developed and developing countries. The practical significance and usefulness of the dataset also lies in the fact that it assesses the lost profit (lost opportunities in 2020) due to the COVID-19 crisis, increasing digital competitiveness and sustainable development in 2020 across the entire sample of 63 countries of the world. Loss of profits reflects the difference between simple gains in 2020 over 2019 (due to a variety of factors) and crisis-influenced gains (due to the COVID-19 pandemic). This provided data on how the global economy might have developed in 2020 had it not been for the crisis, which could be useful for scientific research. The dataset contains a forecast for the development of the world economy after the COVID-19 crisis for 2021 according to the scenario of overcoming the viral threat (reducing the incidence to 5%) and according to the scenario of reducing the viral threat and the formation of the normal incidence (increasing the incidence up to 100%). This forecast is useful for scientific research requiring analytical support and predictive data. The advantage of the forecast is the alternativeness of the considered scenarios, which makes it possible to use the forecast in a wide range of scientific research. Even if a forecast is not required for a number of studies, it can be used as a case study of using a dataset.

Metadata Access
Creator Popkova, E
Publisher Data Archiving and Networked Services (DANS)
Contributor Elena G. Popkova
Publication Year 2020
Rights info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess; License:;
OpenAccess true
Resource Type Dataset
Discipline Other